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What were the goals of propaganda created by the United States?

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Presentation on theme: "What were the goals of propaganda created by the United States?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What were the goals of propaganda created by the United States?

2  EQ:  Did the United States need to drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?  LT:  Construct an argument for or against the use of the atomic bomb during World War II.  POU:  I can construct an argument for or against the use of the atomic bomb during World War II.


4  Go back and think – What is an Atom?  How would you split an atom apart?  You need an incredible amount of energy!  Imagine how destructive this energy could be.

5  Secret Project by U.S. government to develop a nuclear weapon  Led by Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer  Cost $2Billion (over $20B in today’s money)

6  Two atomic bombs were made, “Little Boy” and “Fat Man”  “Little Boy” was the first a-bomb to be used. “Fat Man” “Little Boy”

7  What were President Harry Truman’s motivations for using the Atomic Bomb against Japan in World War II?

8  Testing the bomb could be a dud – better to just use it  Only way to make Japan surrender  Would ultimately save lives and money  Needed to justify the cost  Unconditional surrender would give the U.S. more power  PROS

9 CONS  Could just demonstrate our power and hope they surrender  Would kill thousands of civilians  May be immoral to drop this weapon without warning  Could get conditional surrender without the bomb

10  Wanted a conditional surrender  U.S would not agree to this  The atomic bomb was given as the main reason for the surrender of Japan.

11  August 6, 1945, “The Little Boy” was dropped in the center of Hiroshima  Over 150,000 died as a result of the blast or radiation

12  August 7, 1945: thousands of leaflets were dropped over the city of Nagasaki.  August 9: “Fat Man” was dropped on Nagasaki  September 2: Hirohito and the Japanese finally surrendered Sample Leaflet

13 Rare photo taken at ground level of Nagasaki bombing Hiroshima was burnt to ashes



16  The younger they were at the time, and the more radiation they were exposed to, the higher their risk of illness.  Rain that follows any atomic detonation is laden with radioactive particles, and many survivors of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki blasts succumbed to radiation poisoning.

17  Headache  Shortness of breath  Rapid heartbeat  Inflammation of the mouth and throat  Worsening of tooth or gum disease  Hair loss  Dry cough  Heart inflammation with chest pain  Burning  Permanent skin darkening  Bleeding spots anywhere under the skin  Hemorrhage  Anemia

18  45% of survivors experienced thyroid problem.  As of 1990, there were 176 reported deaths caused by leukemia among the survivors.  Damage to immune system


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