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 Whitewater  “Read my lips, no new taxes”  Persian Gulf War  Operation Desert Storm  The Comeback Kid  Impeachment  NAFTA  Bosnia & Somalia  Former.

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Presentation on theme: " Whitewater  “Read my lips, no new taxes”  Persian Gulf War  Operation Desert Storm  The Comeback Kid  Impeachment  NAFTA  Bosnia & Somalia  Former."— Presentation transcript:

1  Whitewater  “Read my lips, no new taxes”  Persian Gulf War  Operation Desert Storm  The Comeback Kid  Impeachment  NAFTA  Bosnia & Somalia  Former CIA Director and Vice-President  Collapse of Communism in U.S.S.R.

2  Essential Question  Essential Question: ◦ To what extent did the Clinton & Bush (1 and 2) years deviate from the Reagan era?  Warm-Up Question ◦ What is the difference between the “New Left” & “New Right”?

3 1988-1992

4 1910s 1990s

5  Post Cold War  Unclear foreign policy  Who is the enemy now?  Focused on domestic issues  Gulf War

6  Persian Gulf War of 1991  Iraq invaded Kuwait  Sent 200,000 troops to Saudi Arabia (Desert Shield) warn Saddam Hussein  Increased troops to 430,000 and in February 1991 invaded Iraq to free Kuwait (Desert Storm)  Control of the media, “smart bombs”, and Colin Powell’s “overwhelming force” doctrine

7 The United States joined a coalition of 26 nations to free Kuwait.

8 This was the build up phase of the war. It took five months for the US and other countries to move enough men and material to the Middle East.


10 Saddam Hussein refused to withdraw from Kuwait and on January 16, 1991, Operation Desert Storm began. The coalition bombed Iraq for one month before using ground troops.

11 It only took 100 hours for the US-led coalition to free the Kuwaiti people and push Iraq back across its boarders.

12 Coach Savage was a evacuation medic during the Persian Gulf War.

13 The picture on the left is the Blackhawk that Coach Savage flew on during the war. It is sitting on the deck of USNS Comfort, a US Naval hospital ship, in the Persian Gulf.

14 Before Iraqi troops pulled out of Kuwait, they set oil wells on fire sending pollution into the atmosphere. Over 10 million barrels of oil were wasted.

15 “Read my lips, no new taxes.” Bush had an approval rating of 84% after Persian Gulf War.  It was a strong, decisive, bold statement, and you don't need a history degree to see where this is going. As presidents sometimes must, Bush raised taxes. His words were used against him by then-Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton in a devastating attack ad during the 1992 presidential campaign.

16 Clinton Video

17  Bill Clinton represented a new group of Democrats who hoped to reclaim lost “Reagan Democrats”  His agenda as president included: ◦ To reduce the size of the gov’t ◦ To balance the federal budget ◦ To reform welfare & extend healthcare to all Americans ◦ To promote economic growth

18  Clinton attempted a bold plan to offer universal health coverage ◦ The bill’s defeat allowed for sweeping victories in the 1994 midterms for Republicans ◦ Repubs, led by Newt Gingrich, offered a “Contract with America”  Clinton undercut their agenda by reducing the size of the gov’t & planning for a balanced budget A return to Reagan-style tax cuts, increased military spending, & limited role of gov’t “The era of big gov’t is over” —Clinton

19  Clinton encouraged free trade: North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) ◦ Clinton signed North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) (initiated under Bush) which reduced trade barriers among USA, Mexico, & Canada ◦ General Agreement on Tariffs & Trade World Trade Org ◦ General Agreement on Tariffs & Trade cut tariffs & the World Trade Org helped settle trade disputes among 117 nations

20  U.S. international peacekeeping: ◦ From 1993-1995, U.S. troops were sent to Somalia to offer food & restore order to civil war ◦ In 1999, the U.S. & UN sent troops to Bosnia (in the former Yugoslavia) to stop Serbian ethnic cleansing

21 Slobodan Milosevic

22  Clinton presided during an economic boom, but anxiety was prevalent throughout the decade: ◦ Los Angeles race riots (1992) ◦ Terrorism at the World Trade Center (1993) & Murrah Federal Center in Oklahoma City (1995) ◦ Clinton scandals: Whitewater & Monica Lewinsky

23 Bush Video

24  The election of 2000 was the closest since Nixon-Kennedy in 1960 & the only disputed election since Tilden- Hayes in 1876: ◦ “Hanging” or “dimpled” chads in Florida ◦ The Supreme Court ruled in Bush v Gore (2000) to stop the recount & declare Bush the winner of the election Results of the 2000 Election by Voting Precinct

25  Key events in the Bush years: ◦ Sept 11, 2001 terrorist attacks by fundamentalist Al Qaeda led to the invasion of Afghanistan & the hunt for Osama bin Laden ◦ Bush’s declaration of an “Axis of Evil” in North Korea, Iran, & Iraq ◦ The invasion of Iraq in 2003 to remove Saddam Hussein

26 Global Terrorist Strikes, 1998-2007

27 President Bush was criticized for aid coming to the Gulf region after this devastating storm. Bureaucracy was blamed by the press for the delays.

28 44 th President of the United States “Yes We Can” campaign & Change National Healthcare for all Presidents such as Truman, Nixon and Clinton had tried to create a national healthcare plan. President Obama signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in March 2010. Economic Crisis – Causes: Toxic Investments; Falling House Prices Effects: Bank Failures; Foreclosures; High Consumer Debt; Low Business Investment; Rising Unemployment

29 It is an “early vote of confidence” that Obama intends to build global support in the international community of his presidential agenda by reaching out to other world leaders.

30 Navy Seals complete mission to find Bin Laden that President Obama made a priority. Osama Bin Laden was hiding in Pakistan for years in this house.

31 Misery Index: can it predict the future? Romney versus Obama  The Misery Index is a measure of unemployment and inflation; if these negative numbers are bigger in the election year, then the incumbent party will be voted out of office. If the Misery Index goes down in the election year from the year before, the incumbent party will stay in power. Obama’s number last year: 12.1. Now: 10.9

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