POST AND LINTEL Maria Cecilia Cordero Luis Miguel de Jesús.

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Presentation on theme: "POST AND LINTEL Maria Cecilia Cordero Luis Miguel de Jesús."— Presentation transcript:

1 POST AND LINTEL Maria Cecilia Cordero Luis Miguel de Jesús

2 Content  Definition  Evolution through time  Structure  Materials  Examples  Conclussion

3 Definition LINTEL POSTS Post and lintel is one of the most basic and simple construction technique. It consist in an horizontal member, commonly known as lintel, supported by two vertical post on each end.

4 Evolution Basic post and lintel construction, but gigantic in size of construction members. The sides are vertical slabs of stone, capped with horizontals. Stonehenge Stone Age

5 Evolution Post and lintel were use as the first structural system, the wall that the lintel supported was constructed with bricks. Sumerians were the ones that created the first building supported with a post and lintel and with brick walls. Sumerian Civilization

6 Evolution Egiptians Karnak, Egipt

7 Evolution Parthenon was the maximum width that the number of pillars could support without collapsing, or else they’d have to put more pillars inside. Post and lintel, it was the first way to support the roofs of temples and buildings. I consist on two posts supporting a lintel with nothing in between. Greeks

8 Evolution Romans brought the concept of post and lintels to a new level with the creation of the arch, which could support more weight than the structures of the Greeks and provided greater stability to their buildings. Also they introduce buttresses to the structure to hold up massive cathedral walls. Romans

9 Evolution Modern Uses Also post and lintels are found in the construction of bridges, complex archways and pergolas. Now the wall is an important complement of the post and lintel work, because it adds more support for the construction and also hides the post and lintel design within the framework.

10 Evolution

11 How the Post and Lintel structure supports loads? The lintel must bear loads to the posts. The Posts support the loads that the lintel receives and support the weight of the lintel.

12 Propper materials for Post and lintel  Brick  Stone  Wood  Steel  Reinforced Concrete

13 Propper materials for Post and lintel: Brick  Weak on tensile strenght  Strong on compression  Easy to find and cheap  Masonry construction  For Lintel:  For Post:  System:

14 Propper materials for Post and lintel: Wood  For Lintel:  For Column:  System Characteristics: Good on tensile strength Bad on compression Strong material Not buckling

15 Propper materials for Post and lintel: Stone  Characteristics: Weak on tensile, stong on compression  Stronge material  Expensive and difficult to transport.  For Lintel:  For Post:  System:

16 Propper materials for Post and lintel: Steel  Good on tensile  Not so good on compression  Can give long distance on structures.  For Lintel:  For Post:  System

17 Propper materials for Post and lintel: Reinforced Concrete  Good on compression and tensile strenght  A combination of materials: Concrete and Steel  For Lintel:  For Post:  System

18 Examples of Post and Lintel  On ancient architecture

19 Examples of Post and Lintel  On Buildings

20 Examples of Post and Lintel  On Bridges

21 Examples of Post and Lintel Everything that needs structure!

22 Conclussion  Post and lintel is the oldest structure built by men  A basic structure  It has evolved to become the great structures we have nowadays.  There are more suitable materials for post and lintel structures  It can be used on any kind of construction

23 Thanks for your atention Thanks for your atention!

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