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30/8/2015.  We are living in a competitive world  Everyone wants to be first on the line  We are seeking recognition  We want to be the envy of the.

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Presentation on theme: "30/8/2015.  We are living in a competitive world  Everyone wants to be first on the line  We are seeking recognition  We want to be the envy of the."— Presentation transcript:

1 30/8/2015

2  We are living in a competitive world  Everyone wants to be first on the line  We are seeking recognition  We want to be the envy of the world  The world preaches make it or die trying  Even in the church/body of Christ competition is rife.(mega church/Nos, etc)  Because of competition many souls are lost in fear, worry, alcohol, immoral behavior, depression & sin.

3  Many people have lost hope  People are looking for a savior and none seems available/ So what do we do?  Am I/you part of the competition  Do we know its our responsibility to win souls for Christ?  No soul should be lost when we can save them.

4 How is your soul: Tormented? Angry? Frustrated? Anxious? Fearful? Hopeless? Contented? Hopeful ? Is it related to the competition in life?

5  The solution lies in our understanding Christ and his ministry to the world.  I came that they may have life & have it in full Jn 10:10  For God so loved the world ……………..john 3:16  Mat 28: Jesus has risen and a great earthquake rocks the grave and the angel rolled back the stone & sat on it.

6  The guards are afraid  The women are terrified  The angel said to the women “do not be afraid, for I know you are looking for Jesus who was crucified  He is not here; for he is risen, come and see  Then go quickly and tell his disciples

7  So the women hurried away from the tomb, afraid yet filled with joy and ran to tell the disciples  Suddenly Jesus met them. Greetings, he said.  A great deal happened when they realized Christ had risen.

8  vs. 10 then Jesus said to them, “do not be afraid. Go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me. principle: Jesus is telling us to go out there and tell the brothers he is available and they can see him for help.

9 When Christ was leaving to go back to His father he had a plan for mankind(you & I) Mat 28 18-20-Then Jesus came to them and said, “all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.

10  We are commanded to go and make disciples(win souls for Christ) We need to baptize the people with the attributes linked to the Name of the Father, Son & the Holy Spirit(Might, power,& mercy). The attributes include: Love for the lost, kindness, longsuffering, patience, self control…………….. Do you have the fruit of the spirit, is it evident to you? Can others attest that you have the fruit? This is a great responsibility.

11  Lets obey the command to go(go ye & make disciples).  Wear Christ and live a life worthy of the name.  Let our feet carry the message of peace  1 st peter 3:8-18 finally all of you, live in harmony with one another: be sympathetic, love as brothers,be compassionate and humble.

12  Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult, but with blessing because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing.  Brethren, lets emulate Christ who loved all and gave up His life for us.  Lets allow the Holy Spirit to lead us to those we need to tell that Jesus loves them(the world is full of people looking for help).

13  Don’t lose any opportunity to tell the lost there is hope in the Lord Jesus Christ.  Let the lost see how Christ has transofrmed your life and desire to know him  Let your life be a sign post that leads people to Christ.  Don’t let anyone die in sin and you know the savoiur.

14  Christ is the answer the world needs. Lets not compete with the world.  People want to win and have peace and we who know Christ know He carries the solution to the world.  Lets use the authority given to us to fulfill the great commission and cause the world to obey Christ who will be with us to the end of the time.  Waste not the opportunity to draw the lost to the saving grace by living a life worthy of His calling.


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