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Clouds Coalescence: when water vapor comes together to form water droplets. Condensation: when water droplets come together to form clouds. Condensation.

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Presentation on theme: "Clouds Coalescence: when water vapor comes together to form water droplets. Condensation: when water droplets come together to form clouds. Condensation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Clouds Coalescence: when water vapor comes together to form water droplets. Condensation: when water droplets come together to form clouds. Condensation nuclei: are particles that water uses to form the clouds, i.e. pollen, dust, smoke, ash,. Dew point: when the temperature is low enough that water vapor in the air comes out as liquid water. Stratus: low lying, closest to the earth, fog is the lowest stratus cloud, grey, & cause drizzle. Cumulus: is the puffy, marshmallow like cloud & very white. Cirrus: the very high ice particle clouds almost invisible to invisible Nimbus: are storm clouds which are grey-black.


3 Stratus: spreading out (ground level to 2000 m).

4 Dust devil: occur because of temperature differences on the surface of the earth, how the surface is heated. This is NOT a tornado because it is not attached to a cloud and it is vertical and not angled.




8 Cumulus: means heap or mass (middle level clouds come after stratus). Alto: means middle 2000 m to 6000 m. Cirrus: means high 6000 m and up.





13 Anvil head clouds: they look like a anvil at the top and are very high columns in the atmosphere (6000 m to 15,000 m).




17 Lightning: forms from the opposite charges being attracted to each other and jumping to meet in the middle of the atmosphere.



20 This is NOT a tornado because it is NOT touching the ground, so this is a funnel cloud. Once it hits the ground it will be a tornado because it is attached to a cloud and angled.

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