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Heaven, Hell, Purgatory What do you imagine about these places? To describe heaven, hell and purgatory To evaluate different views of what Hell is To evaluate.

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Presentation on theme: "Heaven, Hell, Purgatory What do you imagine about these places? To describe heaven, hell and purgatory To evaluate different views of what Hell is To evaluate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Heaven, Hell, Purgatory What do you imagine about these places? To describe heaven, hell and purgatory To evaluate different views of what Hell is To evaluate a life after death experience of hell and purgatory Explain what you think -Heaven, if it exists, could be like -Hell could be like

2 Here people can be helped by the prayers of the Church to accept God & admit their sins. People here refuse to admit their sins, out of pride and hate for God A temporary state A permanent state Here souls rejoice in the presence of God, blessing and praising God in peace and freedom Here people suffer because they recognise their sins, but they are also joyful as they know their suffering is purifying them to enter heaven. 1.Write 3 headings in columns: hell, heaven, purgatory. 2.Add the info below to where it belongs 3.Explain the difference between purgatory and hell. **On Judgement day, hell becomes a “permanent” solution. Is this fair? Here souls await the still greater joy of the resurrection of their bodies Here people continue to reject God’s goodness, even though it causes them great discomfort. They are the damned.

3 Different ideas of Hell 1.Hell is physical and spiritual pain : the burning “fire” of a sinner confronted by God’s holiness and love (like looking at the sun would burn your eyes, if you were not prepared for it) 2.Nothingness – complete darkness, isolation, no love or life, only your own miserable on- going existence. 3.The suffering of being forever separated from God, the source of all life and love 4.Hell cannot exist as a permanent ending: – God loves everybody, and wants everybody to be saved. – Heaven couldn’t really be enjoyed if you knew that there were people suffering eternal punishment. 1.Explain which idea of Hell you agree with most and why. 2.Which idea of Hell do you not find convincing? Why? **Should the Church talk more about hell, as they used to? Read the 4 theories. Stand next to the one you agree with most.

4 An experience of life after death HW Read Howard Storm’s experience. in your books, answer the questions at the back of the sheet Hell is Nothingness Suffering from knowing you are separated from God Suffering physically and spiritually the rejection of God’s love It wasn’t really hell

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