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The topic for today's debate is that America is too influential on us. I, on the affirmative side, will prove to you that America is too influential on.

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Presentation on theme: "The topic for today's debate is that America is too influential on us. I, on the affirmative side, will prove to you that America is too influential on."— Presentation transcript:

1 The topic for today's debate is that America is too influential on us. I, on the affirmative side, will prove to you that America is too influential on us. But before I begin my case, I would like to point out the clear faults in the oppositions case.

2 Now onto my teams case. Firstly, there are American items everywhere! Put on the TV and there are just American TV shows everywhere. Go out for some fast food, its American brands. When you turn on a radio channel, its mostly American music. So basically everywhere we go in Australia, there is a lot of America in it. I believe that we are becoming TOO influenced by America and we are basically doing what they are. For example, if America sends troops to a country, Australia would soon follow them to war. They also have a cultural influence on Australia. It is a commercial culture of Coca-Cola and Pepsi, Hungry Jacks and McDonalds. It is a television culture of Jerry Springer and Oprah Winfrey, The Simpsons and Mickey Mouse, and "reality shows" (such as Survivor or Big Brother The Americanisation of Australia's culture is a sad and terrible thing. It is a process whereby ordinary Australians are bombarded every day with images of American lifestyle, so much that it merges almost unnoticed into their own lifestyle. It is a process whereby our home- grown entertainment industry is overwhelmed by the enormous powerhouse of the American economy, with drastic effects upon the modern Australian nation. As the USA has a population base of over 290 million, along with a successful economy, it has meant that the American population has a large amount of money that is surplus to basic requirements, and that therefore may be devoted to the luxuries of leisure and entertainment, hence the development of such a huge entertainment industry.

3 Australia itself is too small, it needs help from larger and more powerful countries. It is too small to have all the manufactured needs. Since WW2, America has become Australia’s number 1 trading partner. They basically provide everything for Australia. By itself, Australia is really weak but with America, it suddenly becomes extremely powerful. USA has basically all the resources we need. Australia would be a close ally to the US no matter what they did. Since the US have basically all 3 of the items needed for a strong country; land, money and people.


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