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Patau Syndrome. Patau Syndrome is the least common of the autosomal trisomies (Downs Syndrome and Edwards Syndrome). It occurs by containing an extra.

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Presentation on theme: "Patau Syndrome. Patau Syndrome is the least common of the autosomal trisomies (Downs Syndrome and Edwards Syndrome). It occurs by containing an extra."— Presentation transcript:

1 Patau Syndrome

2 Patau Syndrome is the least common of the autosomal trisomies (Downs Syndrome and Edwards Syndrome). It occurs by containing an extra copy of chromosome 13. It can also occur when part of chromosome 13 attaches to another chromosome during fertilization.

3 Symptoms People with Patau Syndrome can have one or more of the following issues: Abnormal physical features eg. Small head, sloping forehead, cleft lip and palate Heart defects Kidney defects Missing skin on the scalp Major brain structural problems Extra fingers and toes Delayed development and intellectual disabilities

4 Physical Characteristics

5 Life Expectancy Around 90% of babies die of Patau Syndrome by the age of 1 5-10% of people survive their first year. In some rare cases they survive until their teens

6 Treatment If the child does survive, they may undergo surgery to fix their heart defects or physical problems. They may also be given specific forms of therapy such as speech therapy, or physiotherapy.

7 Chances of being affected Like other similar conditions such as Downs Syndrome and Edwards Syndrome the risk of the child being affected by this condition increases with the age of the mother. Between 1 in 10,000 and 1 in 21,700 live births are affected by Patau syndrome. It is more common in females then males as males are less likely to survive until birth.

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