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HOW TO BE YOUR OWN PC DOCTOR? Sun City Computer Club 2/21/2011.

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Presentation on theme: "HOW TO BE YOUR OWN PC DOCTOR? Sun City Computer Club 2/21/2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 HOW TO BE YOUR OWN PC DOCTOR? Sun City Computer Club 2/21/2011


3 DEATH of PC Most PC’s die from the lack of maintenance and preventive tasks !

4 HOW TO KEEP YOUR PC ALIVE »IPO (Input/Processing/Output Functions) »Pre-requisites »Education »Cleaning/Housekeeping/Maintenance »How to Case Studies »Q&A – Questions/Answers

5 FIRST INFORMATION TOOL Pencil IPO (Input/Processing/Output Functions –Input – Writing was form of input –Processing was from memory, reference documents or calculator »Eraser to Delete or correct –Output was stored on paper or scrolls Pre-requisites –Basic Reading/Writing skills Education –None Cleaning/Housekeeping –Clean the eraser Maintenance –Sharpen pencil

6 INFORMATION AGE TOOL –PC (Personal Computer) Function –Input »Keyboard input »Email »Internet »disk storage »USB thumb drive »floppy disk –Processing »Calculations performed in RAM (random access memory) »Erase with delete key –Output »To screen »Email »Printer »Storage »Hard disk »Floppy disk »USB Thumb drive

7 Pre-requisites –Knowledge –Wisdom »Wisdom is applied knowledge –Desire »Discipline »Commitment

8 Education –Information »Computer Club – General Meeting »Click on Computer Club

9 Computer Club – Special Interest Groups »Genealogy & History SIG – first Thursday 9-12 »Media SIG – second Thursday »Beyond Basics Group Training – third Thursday »Investment SIG – fourth Thursday »Apple SIG first Tuesday

10 Education – cont’d Vendor Presentations/Fairs Tutors Computer Club 1 on 1 tutoring on any issue – 7+ volunteers Classes Available for $ 3.00 commitment fee Tuesday 4:30 and 5:30 Thursday 8:30 and 9:30 Contact Jim Abel 803-322-8897 Neighbor Helping Neighbor – i.e. Lou Koch, Sally Kochendofer, Carolyn West Community Lancaster Sr. Center – Classes Available: Fridays AM & PM Contact Roger Summey 803-548-6074 Indian Land Library Available: Fridays PM Contact Nancy at Library

11 PREVENTION Cleaning/Housekeeping BASIC MONTHLY CHECK OFF LIST (Minimum requirement): –Cleaning »Physical Cleaning »Clean internal dust bunnies with canned air or sweeper to prevent over heating motherboard »Turn PC off at night when not in use –Software Programs Cleaning Tools »Cookies – Use to remove dangerous cookies and temporary files »Viruses – Verify last virus update and scan date to determine if you are still protected from virus attacks »Spyware, Trojans, Worms, Key loggers – Use MALWAREBYTES.ORG and manually click on update each time and then perform full scan

12 Maintenance - ADVANCED QUARTERLY CHECK OFF Tuning –Defrag (Defragmentation)– Re-aligns the files for faster access, similar to straightening up files when files folders have been removed and re-inserted numerous times –Chkdsk /f (Check disk /fix) – Files are on disk in segments much like index cards. When a segment (card) becomes full with data it opens another segment (card) to continue the data. The segments (cards) are connected by an index pointer. This task re-builds these indexes which speeds access and prevents lost data. –Disk Cleanup – Is a utility provided by Microsoft that identifies and optionally allows you to delete un-needed files –System restore – Is a utility provided by Microsoft that takes a snap shot of you entire disk drive that can be used to restore your system back in time. It can be used if your are hit with a virus/Trojan/Spyware that disables or cripples your PC. It would be like taking an image of body and being able to reset it to before you became sick. –MSConfig (Microsoft configuration startup file) – Displays all programs that are being loaded (installed) when your PC starts. To many startup programs slow your PC down by consuming RAM memory (calculation area). Most can be turned off.

13 HOW TO GUIDE: 120 pages available for reference or printing from Sun City Computer Club Web site. Review Table of Contents and Index for instructions on performing specific tasks. –Instructions: Under documents (left side) click on Computers – Misc Information Click on Tune up your PC Double click to open document titled “Golden Lakes Computer Club Trouble Shooting Guide” Select computers Misc Information Then select tune up your PC

14 Updating - Safe Program updates »Virus & spyware vendors – Accept virus vendor updates and manually update and run FULL scan after updating MALWAREBYTES.ORG »Adobe – accept and install updates as received »JAVA - accept and install updates as received »APPLE – if using ITunes »Microsoft Security Patches and updates – Verify updates have been downloaded and applied. Why do Microsoft systems require so many update patches verses Apple users? –Microsoft lost a court case in early 2003 which required them to publish their operating system programming code (Windows XP) to the world. This gave opportunity for ever computer hacker to attempt to break into their users system by planting viruses, Trojans, spyware, key loggers on their PC’s. This has been extremely costly for Microsoft who has released over 280 security patches in the past 5 years.

15 Backup Information and Data –Documents –Photos –Favorites –Desktop –System »Backup Programs or retain installation CD’s

16 RESURRECTION / REPAIR of PC How to Case Studies –ACTUAL COPIES OF WORKPAPERS : –Case 1 – PC crippled by virus and Trojan spyware attack, nuisance pop-ups would not allow user to function normally –Case 2 – Slow, grandson may have put porno on system accidently –Case 3 – Will not boot, black screen

17 Case 1 – PC crippled by virus and Trojan spyware attack, nuisance pop-ups would not allow user to function normally

18 Case 2 – Slow, grandson may have put porno on system accidently

19 Case 3 – Will not boot, black screen


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