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Responding to the Needs of All Learners Katina Alexander Foundation of Education ED 500 Dr. Gloria Crawford.

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1 Responding to the Needs of All Learners Katina Alexander Foundation of Education ED 500 Dr. Gloria Crawford

2 What it is...  Teachers provide various tasks within each unit, tailored for students of different levels of success.  Permit students to choose, with the teacher's assistance, ways to learn and how to show what they have learned.  Permit students to opt out of material they already know and progress at their own pace through new material.  Organize class assignments so they require high levels of critical thinking but permit a range of responses.  Have high expectations for all students.  Create learning centers with activities geared to different learning styles, readiness and levels of interest.  Provide students with the opportunity to explore topics in which they have strong interest and find personal meaning.

3 First, get to know your students.  Identify the level at which individual students are working in your subject area.  Manage a learning style record to determine how your students best learn.  Determine student interests.

4 Next, identify areas of your curriculum that could be adapted to differentiated instruction.  Study the instructional goals and objectives for your subject established by your state's department of education. Identify the major concepts, principles, and skills students should learn.  Choose one or two broad concepts or skills that lend themselves to being taught at different degrees of complexity.  Brainstorm ideas for activities, tasks, and assessments that address a specific concept or skill.

5 Last, examine your role as teacher in the differentiated classroom.  Brainstorm ways to vary your instructional delivery methods.  Develop a general plan for facilitating time, space, and materials in your classroom.  Identify alternative methods of assessing student performance and understanding.

6  Content is what the student needs to learn or how the student will get access to the information.  Process are activities in which the student engages in order to make sense of or master the content.  Products are culminating projects that ask the student to rehearse, apply, and extend what he or she has learned in a unit.  Learning environment is the way the classroom works and feels.

7 Examples of differentiating content at the elementary level include the following:  Customize reading materials at different reading levels.  Put text materials on tape.  Customize spelling or vocabulary lists at readiness levels of students.  Present ideas through both auditory and visual means.  Use reading partners.  Meet with small groups to re-teach an idea or skill for struggling learners, or to extend the thinking or skills of advanced learners.

8 Examples of differentiating process or activities at the elementary level include the following:  Use tiered activities through which all learners work with the same important understandings and skills, but proceed with different levels of support, challenge, or complexity.  Provide interesting centers that encourage students to explore subsets of the class topic of particular interest to them.  Develop personal schedules to be completed either during specified agenda time or as students complete other work early.  Offer manipulates or other hands-on supports for students who need them.  Vary the length of time a student may take to complete a task in order to provide additional support for a struggling learner or to encourage an advanced learner to pursue a topic in greater depth.

9 Examples of differentiating products at the elementary level include the following:  Give students choices of how to express required learning by creating a puppet shows, writing letters, or developing murals with labels.  Use rubrics that match and extend students' diverse skills levels.  Allow students to work alone or in small groups on their products.  Motivate students to create their own product assignments as long as the assignments contain required elements.

10 Examples of differentiating learning environment at the elementary level include:  Make sure there are places in the room to work quietly and without distraction, as well as places that call for student teamwork.  Offer materials that reflect a variety of cultures and home settings.  Establish clear procedures for independent work that matches individual needs.  Develop procedures that permit students to get help when teachers are busy with other students and cannot help them immediately.  Help students appreciate that some learners need to move around to learn, while others do better sitting silently.

11  Jennipher Willoughby stated, “Rather than simply ‘teaching to the middle’ by providing a single avenue for learning for all students in a class, teachers using differentiated instruction match tasks, activities, and assessments with their students' interests, abilities, and learning preferences.”

12  Rebora, A. ( 2008, September). Making a Difference. Education Week, 2(1), 28-3. Retrieved from  Tomlinson, C. A. (August, 2000). Differentiation of Instruction in the Elementary Grades. ERIC Digest. ERIC Clearinghouse on Elementary and Early Childhood Education. Retrieved from  Williams, K. (2004). 8 Lessons Learned on Differentiating Instruction. Scholastic, Retrieved from differentiating-instruction  Allan, S., Goddard, Y. ( 2010, October). Differentiated Instruction and RTI: a Natural Fit. Interventions That Work, 68(2). Retrieved from  Willoughby, J. (2005). Differentiating Instruction: Meeting Students Where They Are. Teaching Today, Retrieved from

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