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Free Will and Suffering Assessment Learning Objective: To reflect and improve upon our written answer to the question ‘God cannot exist because of suffering.

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Presentation on theme: "Free Will and Suffering Assessment Learning Objective: To reflect and improve upon our written answer to the question ‘God cannot exist because of suffering."— Presentation transcript:

1 Free Will and Suffering Assessment Learning Objective: To reflect and improve upon our written answer to the question ‘God cannot exist because of suffering in the world.’ Do you agree?’

2 Peer Assessing Peer Marking Criteria: Read their work carefully You need to write in your best handwriting as you are writing in someone else’s book Think carefully about what you can say to help them Say what you like about their work Give them helpful and positive comments so they can improve their work next time Think about what you can learn from them Peer Marking Golden Rule! Be Kind Be Specific Be Helpful

3 How to peer assess… On the one hand, some people think that god doesn’t exist because of suffering because a loving God would not allow his creation to suffer. An example of this is natural disasters. God could stop those happening because he is meant to be all powerful but he doesn’t. So he either isn’t real or he isn’t as powerful as we think he is. On the other hand people do still believe in God even though there is suffering because a lot of the suffering is caused by humans and isn’t Gods fault at all. An example of this is things like murder, stealing and bullying. People have chosen to do these things because they have been given free will. God wants people to have free will because he doesn’t want us to be robots. So it’s actually humans fault for evil, not Gods so he can still exist.

4 Peer Assessment You are now going to peer assess. On one colour post it note you are going to comment on subject content – have they explained, do they need to add a keyword etc.? On another colour you are going to comment on their spelling, punctuation and grammar. Subject Content: -Keywords -Explanations SPAG -Spelling -Punctuation e.g. paragraphs, capital letters -Grammar -Connectives

5 Improve your work You now need to carefully read through the feedback you have been given. Ask if there is anything you don’t understand. Use this time to act upon your feedback – improve your work and make it even better!

6 Sign Off Your Work Sign your name at the end of your work – you can only sign off your work when you can say this is the best piece of work you can do. Commit to Excellence

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