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CHAPTERS 28 AND 29: COLD WAR AND A NEW WESTERN WORLD Marielle Deguzman, Eldrin Gonzales, Leanna Southivong, Tya Valentine.

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Presentation on theme: "CHAPTERS 28 AND 29: COLD WAR AND A NEW WESTERN WORLD Marielle Deguzman, Eldrin Gonzales, Leanna Southivong, Tya Valentine."— Presentation transcript:

1 CHAPTERS 28 AND 29: COLD WAR AND A NEW WESTERN WORLD Marielle Deguzman, Eldrin Gonzales, Leanna Southivong, Tya Valentine

2 OUTLINE Part One I.Aftermath of WWII A.Stalin’s Policies B.Khrushchev C.East Europe D.West Europe E.New Society II.Cold War A.Confrontation B.Contention C.Africa and the Middle East D.Asia Part Two I.Results of the Cold War A.Revolutionary Era B.Collapse of the Communist Order C.Reunification of Germany D.Yugoslavia E.Western Europe F.United States II.Western Culture A.Women’s Movement B.Terrorism C.Art, Music, and Literature D.Culture

3 Aftermath of World War II

4 THE SOVIET UNION FROM STALIN TO KHRUSHCHEV Stalin’s policies Khrushchev and destalinization

5 EASTERN EUROPE BEHIND THE IRON CURTAIN Albania and Yugoslavia Upheaval in Eastern Europe Poland Communist Party elected Wladyslaw Gomulka (1905- 1982) as first secretary

6 WESTERN EUROPE THE REVIVAL OF DEMOCRACY AND THE ECONOMY France Charles de Gaulle Economy West Germany “Economic miracle” Denazification

7 THE EMERGENCE OF NEW SOCIETY The Structure of European Society Creation of the Welfare State Women in the Post-War Western World The Permissive Society Sweden took lead of the Sexual Revolution Education and Student Revolt

8 Cold War (1947-1991)

9 CONFRONTATION OF THE SUPERPOWERS History between the Soviet Union and the U.S. Differing ideologies Clashing ambitions Intense Competition: East vs West Truman Doctrine Marshall Plan NATO vs Warsaw Pact etc….

10 NEW SOURCES OF CONTENTION Korean War North vs South Cuban Missile Crisis Bay of Pigs Vietnam War

11 AFRICA AND THE MIDDLE EAST Convention Peoples’ Party Formed by Kwame Nkrumah Algeria Conflict in the Middle East The question of Palestine Israel Six-Day War

12 ASIA: NATIONALISM AND COMMUNISM India divided into two India (Hindu) Pakistan (Muslim) China under communism Chiang Kai-shek (1887-1975) Taiwan Mao Zedong (1883-1976) Great Leap Forward (1958) Great Proletarian Culture Revolution

13 REVOLUTIONARY ERA: SOVIET UNION Brezhnev (1906-1982) Gorbachev Era Perestroika (restructuring) End of the Soviet Union

14 COLLAPSE OF THE COMMUNIST ORDER Poland Hungary Czechoslovakia Romania Bulgaria Albania

15 REUNIFICATION OF GERMANY Until 1989, Germany is still divided Berlin Wall July 1, 1990: Economies united October 3, 1990: Politically reunited

16 DISINTEGRATION OF YUGOSLAVIA Josip “Tito” Broz (1892-1980) War in Bosnia War in Kosovo Salobodan Milosevic Ethnic cleansing

17 WESTERN EUROPE: THE WINDS OF CHANGE Germany Restored Helmet Kohl (b. 1930) Great Britain Margret Thatcher (b. 1925) Thatcherism Uncertainties in France Francois Mitterrand (1916-1995)

18 UNITED STATES & CANADA Domestic Turmoil Richard Nixon (1913-1994) Gerald Ford (b. 1913) and Jimmy Carter (b. 1924) Reagan Revolution Canada

19 WOMEN’S MOVEMENT Economic Inequality Consciousness Raising Groups Education

20 GROWTH OF TERRORISM Motivations Attacks September 11, 2001

21 ART, MUSIC, AND LITERATURE Art Abstract Expressionism Postmodernism Music Serialism Minimalism Literature Theater of the Absurd

22 WESTERN CULTURE Existentialism Religion Science and Technology Popular Culture Americanization Motion Pictures Television Music Sports On a Global Scale

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