THIS IS With Host... Your 100 200 300 400 500 Pre-HistoryMesopotamiaEgyptHebrewsVocabulary.

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4 With Host... Your

5 100 200 300 400 500 Pre-HistoryMesopotamiaEgyptHebrewsVocabulary

6 On which continent did homo sapiens first appear? A 100

7 Africa A 100

8 How do archaeologists study to find out about early peoples? A 200

9 They dig for fossils and artifacts. A 200

10 What tool would the earliest Paleolithic man have used? A 300

11 Round stones A 300

12 Neolithic Revolution refers to the time when early humans… A 400

13 Developed agriculture A 400

14 What event separated the Paleolithic and Neolithic Ages? A 500

15 The beginning of agriculture and animal domestication A 500

16 Original citizens of the Mesopotamian city-states B 100

17 Sumerians B 100

18 Sumerian writing is called… B 200

19 Cuneiform B 200

20 Sumerian religion can be described as… B 300

21 Polytheistic with vengeful gods B 300

22 What is the most notable aspect of Hammurabi’s rule? B 400

23 First written code of laws B 400

24 Why was Mesopotamia constantly being fought over by rival groups? B 500

25 It had rich farmland in an area surrounded by desert. B 500

26 What was used to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphics? C 100

27 Rosetta Stone C 100

28 What type of government ruled Ancient Egypt? C 200

29 Theocracy C 200

30 Why did the Egyptians of the Old Kingdom design and build pyramids? C 300

31 To serve as tombs C 300

32 One of the longest ruling Egyptian pharaohs C 400

33 Ramses II C 400

34 The Egyptian king was different from the Mesopotamian king in that the Egyptian king was… C 500

35 Also considered a god C 500

36 What is the capital of Israel? D 100

37 Jerusalem D 100

38 Early Israelites could trace the beginning of their history back to this man: D 200

39 Abraham D 200

40 What provides the basis of Hebrew rules for moral and religious conduct? D 300

41 Ten Commandments D 300

42 What was created between Yahweh and the Hebrew people? D 400

43 Covenant D 400

44 The Hebrews organized their faith around a revolutionary concept known as: D 500

45 Monotheism D 500

46 Family of rulers where power passes from parent to child E 100

47 dynasty E 100

48 Worship of many gods E 200

49 Polytheism E 200


51 Government ruled by a political leader who is also the religious leader E 300

52 Theocracy E 300

53 A person who moves around from place to place in search of food E 400

54 Nomad E 400

55 What is the term for sharing of ideas between groups of people? E 500

56 Cultural Diffusion E 500

57 Now it’s time for Double Jeopardy!!! Click on screen to begin

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