ICS-FORTH June, 2001 CHIOS Cultural Heritage Interchange Ontology Standardization IST-2000-29216 Partners: FORTH, GNM, MDA,NMD, Paveprime,RLG June 2001-Mai.

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1 ICS-FORTH June, 2001 CHIOS Cultural Heritage Interchange Ontology Standardization IST-2000-29216 Partners: FORTH, GNM, MDA,NMD, Paveprime,RLG June 2001-Mai 2003

2 ICS-FORTH June, 2001 CHIOS - objectives  The CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model has been accepted by ISO TC46 as work item Sept 2000. It is the result of many years of work of the museum community to solve the data and metadata interoperability in the domain and beyond.  The aim of the CHIOS thematic network is to support the ISO normalisation process and ensure that the CRM is appropriately completed and adopted as international standard:  by providing an open and balanced mechanism which enables stakeholders participation in the standardisation process  by ensuring that stakeholders are satisfied that the CRM meets their needs; elaborating proposals for extensions or modifications where necessary  by ensuring that CRM documentation is clear, consistent and of the quality needed for ISO acceptance.  by participating in the ISO process and building wide consensus, encouraging diffusion and acceptance of CRM.

3 ICS-FORTH June, 2001 CHIOS - Approach  The high diversity of museums, libraries, archives does not allow for common metadata standards or application profiles (museum data are no metadata, because objects are no data)  Interoperability is achieved by transformation and mediation  A formal ontology, the CIDOC CRM, an event-centric conceptual model serves as interlingua for transformation and mediation.  It is an intellectual product of experts of many disciplines formalizing their conceptualizations and verified by data transformation experiments.  CHIOS will ensure the quality of the product, the widest possible consensus, and promote its application as the standard solution.

4 ICS-FORTH June, 2001 CHIOS – Actions  Partnership: An active core group of the CRM + experts to be invited.  Six regular working meetings  Production of complete documentation and web-presence  Presence on relevant conferences (e.g. CAA2001)  Collaboration with ISO, CIDOC working groups.  Foundation of a SIG involving key partners from museums, archives, libraries, IT industry under CIDOC egide.  Collaboration with DELOS, Harmony on harmonization of museum and digital library models, other collaborations welcome

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