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Human Systems Units 8B and C.  I will randomly pick number-letter combinations.  Each number-letter combination will appear on your BINGO card and will.

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Presentation on theme: "Human Systems Units 8B and C.  I will randomly pick number-letter combinations.  Each number-letter combination will appear on your BINGO card and will."— Presentation transcript:

1 Human Systems Units 8B and C

2  I will randomly pick number-letter combinations.  Each number-letter combination will appear on your BINGO card and will correspond to a question I will project on the board.  Solve the problem and write the answer in the space below the corresponding number-letter on your BINGO board. If you get 5 squares in a row (diagonal, vertical, or horizontal lines), call out BINGO! I will check your answers and if they are all correct, you win that round.  We will play multiple rounds so you have the opportunity to score BINGO more than once!

3 1A2A3A4A5A 1B2B3B4B5B 1C2C3C4C5C 1D2D3D4D5D 1E2E3E4E5E

4  Which system of the body regulates and controls growth, development, and metabolism?  endocrine  lymphatic  integumentary  Skeletal  Answer: endocrine

5  Which organ produces hormones that regulate the amount of sugar in the blood?  pancreas

6  What is one of the reason why we sweat?  To excrete excess water and salt  To help cool the body

7  Where does chemical digestion begin?  In the mouth (saliva)

8  Which two organs utilize mechanical digestion as well as chemical digestion?  Mouth and stomach

9  What is the path of “food” after it leaves the stomach (hint: 4 organs)?  Small intestine, large intestine, rectum, anus

10  After entering the oral cavity, what path does food take en route to the stomach (2 organs)?  Pharynx, esophagus

11  Which phase of the digestive process involves getting food into the opening of the digestive tract?  ingestion

12  Which phase of the digestive process involves moving small molecules fro the digestive tract into the blood?  absorption

13  In which organ of the digestive system does absorption occur?  Small intestine

14  In which organ of the digestive system is water extracted from digested food?  Large intestine

15  What enzyme found in saliva starts the chemical breakdown of food?  Pepsin  Chitin  Hydrochloric acid  Amylase  amylase

16  What type of muscles in the stomach are used in mechanical digestion?  Striated  Smooth  Voluntary  Smooth (involuntary)

17  What organ removes excess water, urea, and waste from the blood?  kidney

18  What is the purpose of the excretory system?  Remove waste and control homeostasis

19  What part of the excretory system is responsible for secreting excess water and salts as sweat?  Skin

20  What are the two primary functions of the circulatory system?  Deliver oxygen and nutrients to body tissues and remove wastes from tissues

21  Blood is one component of the circulatory system. Name the other two.  Heart, blood vessels

22  Which type of circulation involves blood flow to and from various tissues throughout the body?  systemic

23  Which type of circulation involves blood flow to and from the lungs?  Pulmonary circulation

24  What are the thinnest blood vessels?  capillaries

25  Where does blood flow after leaving the right atrium?  Right ventricle, pulmonary artery

26  What type of blood vessel carries blood away from the heart?  To the heart?  Arteries  Veins

27  Which type of blood cells are used in fighting infection?  White blood cells

28  Which type of blood cells are the most numerous in the body?  Red blood cells

29  When you have an open wound, what is found in the blood that clumps together to prevent further blood loss?  platelets

30  When you are swallowing food, if your epiglottis does not close, what may happen?  you may choke

31  After entering the larynx, what path does air take (name 4 structures in order)?  bronchi, lungs, bronchioles, alveoli, blood

32  What structure regulates calcium levels in the blood?  parathyroid glands

33  Which gland secretes hormones that control other glands?  pituitary gland

34  What do the adrenal glands produce?  adrenaline

35  What system is the pituitary gland a part of?  Endocrine System

36  Which type of glands secrete hormones directly into the blood?  Endocrine glands

37  Name one non- specific defense of the immune system.  Tears, skin, mucus, sweat

38  Proteins that “tag” pathogens as antigens are called _______________.  antibodies

39  Name the two types of working cells of the specific immune response.  B cells and T cells

40  A mother passing on antibodies to her infant through breast milk is an example of _______________ immunity.  passive

41  You are exposed to an antigen through a vaccine. This is an example of _______________ immunity.  active

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