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Sagehen Forest Project: Staff Briefing One Necessary Pillar: Collaboration Lisa Wallace, Executive Director.

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Presentation on theme: "Sagehen Forest Project: Staff Briefing One Necessary Pillar: Collaboration Lisa Wallace, Executive Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sagehen Forest Project: Staff Briefing One Necessary Pillar: Collaboration Lisa Wallace, Executive Director

2 Our Mission – To Protect and Restore Our Values Ecologically Sound Partnerships Economics Russ Rosewood

3 Some of our Programs Protection: Adopt-A-Stream Engagement: Truckee River Day Restoration : Coldstream Canyon Beth Christman TRWC

4 Our Watershed is Pristine? Nope! 7 Dams 6 EPA Listed Waters Railroad Interstate 80 Logging Gravel mining Grazing

5 Topics Why a facilitated collaborative? Why Truckee River Watershed Council? What happened

6 Why a Facilitated Process? High potential for misunderstanding & disagreement Complex planning & implementation Opportunity to combine research (GTR 220 et al) & implementation Lots of people: 60plus stakeholders Lots of Organizations: 15plus agencies Extended timeframe: May 2010 to August 2011

7 Why TRWC? Mission Neutral Convenor Watershed Issues Forum Known to most, trusted by many Aware of issues Background in facilitation Funding

8 4 Stages of Collaboratives* Opportunities for Impact Stage 4 Changing the System Stage 3 Changing the Rules Redirecting Funding Stage 2 Joint Projects & Sharing Events Stage 1 Exchanging Info *Sid Gardner

9 What Happened? 1.Leadership USFS TNF - Forest Supervisor, District Ranger PSW Research Station - Director, Researcher Implementation Methods via a Proposed Action Signed Record of Decision UCB Sagehen Creek Field Station

10 What Happened? 2.Upfront: Best Practices Meeting Guidelines Defined Outcomes Clear Roles Specific Schedule Meeting Planning Committee

11 Stakeholders 3.Engagement Wide invitation list 8 stakeholder meetings across 14 months Meeting Planning Committee 12plus prep meetings 8plus debrief meetings Data Committee Ad hoc Worksessions

12 What happened? Record of Decision Supported by TNF, PSW, Stakeholders American Marten as mascot! NEPA Completed And then…

13 Thank you, Funders! Sierra Nevada Conservancy via Placer County RCD U.S.F.S Tahoe National Forest

14 THANK YOU!! Jeannette Halderman Cathy Howard Robie Litchfield Deborah Urich

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