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Strengthening Inclusive and Instructional Practices - Learning Coaches 2-Day Workshop Edmonton September 17 – 18, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Strengthening Inclusive and Instructional Practices - Learning Coaches 2-Day Workshop Edmonton September 17 – 18, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strengthening Inclusive and Instructional Practices - Learning Coaches 2-Day Workshop Edmonton September 17 – 18, 2012

2 Districts’ Learning Coach 2012-2013 Focus

3 Red Deer Public Schools The Learning Assistance Team in Red Deer Public: Provides a Learning Assistance Teacher and Educational Assistant for staff and student support. Assists staff in meeting the District goals of Literacy, Inclusion and High School Completion through a focus on capacity building. Supports teachers in implementing effective instructional practices and planning techniques that meet the learning needs of all students.

4 Chinook’s Edge School Division Student Services and Learning Services departments have created Learning Support teams (LST) in schools Common curriculum is being established for PD training Roles will include: co-teaching, co-planning, facilitating peer-coaching Facilitating PLCs

5 Provide support to all teachers in our school division in order to build-on/add any of the competencies Research will be gathered from a group of teachers who have committed to the project for 3 years Dawne Kurtz-McNaught – Coordinator Dawn Marie Balisky – Coach Corry Stark – Coach Cathe Dickson – Coach Memorese Walter – Technology Coach District Goal: Increase student achievement by infusing the 21 st Century Competencies as outlined by Alberta Education

6 Evergreen Instructional Coaches building a community and culture of innovative and dynamic learners Support teachers in their practice in order to enhance student engagement and student achievement. Working with the PLCs to introduce concepts in differentiation and Inquiry (AISI) Modelling innovative teaching strategies Engaging in professional dialogues Co-planning lessons Team teaching Assisting with assessment Gathering resources Collecting and analyzing data Locating PD opportunities It ALL comes down to supporting STUDENT SUCCESS

7 Edmonton Catholic Schools Learning Coaches work with colleagues to improve teacher practices Model instructional practices Provide PD to staff Mentor Engage in co-teaching Collaborate with colleagues and engage in professional conversations on a variety of issues Promote learning and continuous improvement

8 1. Classroom Culture and Expectations 2. Clearly Identified Outcomes/Individual Learning Goals 3. Pre-Assessment 4. Pre-Planning; Utilizing a “Backwards Design” Framework 5. Utilization of Rubrics and Exemplars 6. Introduction of New Knowledge 7. Experiencing and Developing the New Knowledge 8. Deepening Understanding of the New Knowledge 9. Tracking and Communicating Achievement of Outcomes/Individual Goals 10. Formative Assessment 11. Additional Supports and Pyramids of Intervention 12. Summative Assessment 12 Excellent Learning Environments (ELE’s) Learning Coach’s Roles Plan PD based on the 12 ELE’s Gather resources Collaborate Support in your classroom, I will be that extra pair of hands or I will be there to release you if you would like to work in your PLT Create reports and gather data for central office Wolf Creek Public School Division Goal Goal: All staff must demonstrate a working understanding of the 12 ELE’s (Excellent Learning Environments) Year 1: Explore – Develop/Expand our working knowledge of ELEs (confidently give rational and examples). Years 2 & 3: Increase Skill Level – by the end of year 3 we have a deep understanding of all 12 Elements Wolf Creek Public School Division

9 Parkland School Division In PSD, learning coaches: Support PSD’s commitment to inclusion Support PSD’s AISI project Facilitate job-embedded and ongoing PD for teachers All teachers work with the coach; HOW they work with the coach is flexible

10 5 full-time Instructional Coaches in our larger schools Part-time Instructional Coaches (.4) in eight smaller schools Based on Jim Knight’s Collaborative Approach Coaches collected and analyzed data, school teams voted on an Instructional Improvement Target and have identified strategies/practices to be implemented, monitored and measured for their impact on student learning Coaches provide differentiated support so teachers can implement changes Principals are the lead and the gate keepers; everyone is moving toward team target Coaches meet once a month with central office administrative team Coaches team up to develop and share expertise on similar needs

11 Conseil scolaire Centre Nord This year, the school board’s focus is more on comprehension reading. At my school we are working on the Daily 5.

12 Fort McMurray Catholic School District Through data driven research and job- embedded professional development, our focus is on: supporting curriculum improving assessment diversifying instruction



15 Literacy coaches will be: Modelling Mentoring Peer coaching Collaborating Supporting

16 East Central Alberta Catholic Schools Learning Coaches/Special Education Coordinators Intensive Targeted Universal Tier 3 - Intensive Individualized interventions for students who have insufficient response to interventions in the first two tiers. Tier 2 -Targeted, specific prevention and intervention for students at risk for academic failure. Tier 1 – Universal high quality learning opportunities for all students The paradigm shifts slowly and comfortably from Coordinator to Coach. We actively coach even though we are called Special Education Coordinators. Response to Intervention

17 Elk Island Public Schools EIPS has a variety of staff that fulfill the role of learning coaches: Student Support Services Consultants Math, Literacy & Assessment Consultants AISI Consultants Administrators as Instructional Leaders Speech Language Pathologists & Occupational Therapists School Counselors They work with schools to build capacity and support learning through collaboration, mentoring and coaching. In addition, staff within schools open up their classrooms as models for best practices/strategies. Engagement & Collaboration Professional Learning Communities

18 Fort McMurray Public School District is working towards building capacity in universal instruction through First Steps in Literacy, assessment, differentiated instruction, and intervention.


20 Northern Gateway Public Schools Student Engagement: Supporting Partnerships About Learning Coaches in NG: Full time Division personnel Working school- based with partner teachers Instructional Focus (PD): DI, assessment, critical thinking Literacy project AISI research project

21 Elves Special Needs Society Providing targeted information/interventions based on individual needs (eg. sensory integration) Providing global education and staff training (Learning Through Play, Mandt, AISCA – reviewing KSAs) Providing technological training and support (SMART board, IPP Goal Bank) Monitor staff and provide support for professional/personal concerns

22 Ongoing Support for Implementation

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