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Instructions What are they?. Lets see how well you can follow instructions! We are going to play a game of Simon Says. Can you follow all the instructions.

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Presentation on theme: "Instructions What are they?. Lets see how well you can follow instructions! We are going to play a game of Simon Says. Can you follow all the instructions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Instructions What are they?

2 Lets see how well you can follow instructions! We are going to play a game of Simon Says. Can you follow all the instructions through listening carefully?

3 What are instructions? A step by step guide explaining how to make or do something. Instructions can be spoken or written.

4 Types of instructions Instructions are used for many things. How many types of written instructions can you think of? Recipe books. Computer games. Craft books. Gardening guides. Science experiments. Sport games. Safety rules

5 Making it clear. Speak slowly and clearly. Repeat each instruction. Ask questions to the speaker to check your understanding.

6 How are they written? Start with a GOAL/Aim. Include a list of tools and equipment. Numbered steps. Time Connectives. Imperative verbs. A top tip section. A question for the reader. Diagrams Finished product picture.

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