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Fostering Sustained Impact: Lessons Learned from Geoscience Faculty Workshops Ellen Roscoe Iverson, Cathryn A. Manduca, Science Education Resource Center,

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1 Fostering Sustained Impact: Lessons Learned from Geoscience Faculty Workshops Ellen Roscoe Iverson, Cathryn A. Manduca, Science Education Resource Center, Carleton College John McLaughlin, Managing for Results Combining workshops and websites for faculty professional development Demonstrating widespread impact on teaching The evaluation addressed the impacts of the program on faculty and their teaching. Data collected from workshop evaluations, phone interviews, online surveys, and focus groups indicate:  Transformed attitude Participants’ approach shifted from “what do I teach”  “what are they learning”. They reported prevailing changes in attitude sustained six months to a year following workshops.  New Knowledge and skills Participants put their new knowledge gained from workshops and website use into practice for both teaching and communicating with colleagues about teaching.  Changes in participants’ teaching methods More than 80% pointed to the workshop as the source for specific active learning techniques that they incorporated in their teaching.  New leadership roles adopted and new networks employed 75% of attendees credited the workshop for an expanded sphere of influence in which On the Cutting Edge is a five-year project designed to help college and university faculty integrate cutting edge pedagogy and geoscience research into the classroom, laboratory, and field. The program includes: Synergistic Workshops  Emerging themes (2/year): puts new research topics and new aspects of pedagogy on the fast track and brings them into the curriculum for use in teaching.  Teaching X (1/year): engages scientists to think about techniques for teaching a specific upper division course each year.  Course Design (online and face-to-face): draws faculty to design or redesign courses using goals-based process.  Workshops for Career Preparation and Management (2/year): groups of graduate students and early career faculty discuss career planning, teaching methods, managing research. A Website  Instructional materials and activities  Datasets and tools  Pedagogical resources  Course resources  Assessment tools  Bibliographies  Visualizations Impacts attributed to:  Focused, uninterrupted nature of workshop  Being able to apply ideas immediately  Networking with participants shaped learning  Website resources helped sustain changes and enhance knowledge over 230 community-contributed activities 19 topical areas, 38 thematic collections  1500 cataloged resources, and over 1000 web pages  267,000 unique visits to website for 2005 Since 2002 the program has offered 27 workshops for 1100 participants. This project is supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) Division of Undergraduate Education under Grants No. 0127310,0127141,0127257, 0127018, and 0618482. Opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendation expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF. On the Cutting Edge is sponsored by the National Association of Geoscience Teachers (NAGT) and is part of the Digital Library for Earth System Education (DLESE). they contributed more to cross-discipline activities, pursued grants related to workshop outcomes, and developed outreach programs.

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