1 Further information and next steps Further information and next steps Gergely Sipos MTA SZTAKI

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Presentation on theme: "1 Further information and next steps Further information and next steps Gergely Sipos MTA SZTAKI"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Further information and next steps Further information and next steps www.lpds.sztaki.hu/gasuc www.portal.p-grade.hu Gergely Sipos MTA SZTAKI sipos@sztaki.hu EGEE Training and Induction EGEE Application Porting Support

2 2 Getting access P-GRADE Portal services: –SEE-GRID infrastructure –Several VOs of EGEE: Biomed, Astronomy, Central European, NA4,... –GILDA: Training VO of EGEE –Many national Grids (UK National Grid Service, HunGrid, Turkish Grid, etc.) –US Open Science Grid, TeraGrid –OGF Grid Interoperability Now (GIN) VO –… Portal services and account request: http://portal.p-grade.hu/index.php?m=3&s=0 Account request form on portal login page

3 3 Installing P-GRADE Portal –(If you are the administrator of a Grid/VO then) get the installation package from SourceForge http://sourceforge.net/projects/pgportal Server requirements http://portal.p-grade.hu/index.php?m=13&s=0 Local user support must be provided by you –If you are member of an EGEE / Globus VO that does not have P-GRADE Portal yet, then Ask SZTAKI to add your VO to the Multi-grid P-GRADE Portal Installation  portal.p-grade.hu/multi-grid Ask the manager of your VO to install P-GRADE Portal

4 4 To configure your VO in Multi-grid P-GRADE Portal Send the following information to P-GRADE Portal team: Technical –WMS URL –BDII URL –LFC host URL –Default SE of the VO –VOMS server URL, certificate subject –VOMS server certificate –Extra CA packages if VO members use other than www.gridpma.org certificates. Administrative –Homepage of VO/community –Use cases for P-GRADE –Number of users

5 5 User support services http://portal.p-grade.hu Training: –Training events, trainer community: email list: pgrade-training@lpds.sztaki.hu –Portal to access GILDA resources –Online tutorials User forum Installation and operational support team Application Development and Porting Support: www.lpds.sztaki.hu/gasuc

6 6 Related results from the P-GRADE Portal team

7 7 Application specific portals: Science gateways built from P-GRADE Separate grid application developers from end users E-Marketplace Model Integrated with Logistics –Logistics optimization problem in gLite grid Rendering portal –rendering pictures, videos with BLENDER Numerical Modeling of Mantle Convection –Animating movement of vulcanic mantles OMNET++ Discrete Event Simulation Portal –Simulate networks, waiting queues, … – https://pgrade-omnet.sztaki.huhttps://pgrade-omnet.sztaki.hu

8 8 Central Accounting Database R-GMA P-GRADE Portal with accounting portlet Browse Import into Excel Accounting portlet at MIMOS Malaysia Monitor your and your users’ grid resource consumption from P-GRADE Portal

9 9 Family of P-GRADE Portal products P-GRADE portal WE USED THIS TODAY –Creating workflows and parameter sweeps for gLite and Globus middleware based utility grids –www.portal.p-grade.huwww.portal.p-grade.hu P-GRADE - GEMLCA portal (University of Westminster) –To wrap legacy applications into Grid Services –To add legacy code services to P-GRADE workflows –Integration with OGSA-DAI and SRB services –http://www.cpc.wmin.ac.uk/cpcsite/gemlcahttp://www.cpc.wmin.ac.uk/cpcsite/gemlca –(No parameter sweep support!) WS-PGRADE and gUSE –Creating complex workflow and parameter sweeps on local clusters, utility grids, desktop grids, RDBM –Embedded and recustive workflows, conditional execution, legacy codes and community components from repository –www.wspgrade.huwww.wspgrade.hu Apply for an account on Beta release User manual

10 10 WS-PGRADE – gUSE architecture Graphical User Interface: WS-PGRADE Workflow Engine Workflow storage File storage Application repository Logging gUSE information system Submitters Gridsphere portlets Autonomous Services: high level middleware service layer Resources: middleware service layer Local resources, Service grid resources, Desktop Grid resources, Web services, Databases gUSE Meta-broker Submitters File storage Submitters

11 11 Meet us at EGEE’09 Demos: –Further development of P-GRADE Portal for advance user support: Monday 13:00 and Wednesday 10:30 –EDGeS: Extending resources of EGEE VOs with desktop grid resources Wednesday 16:30 and Thursday 16:30 Presentations: –Latest results of the Grid Application Support Centre at SZTAKI Tuesday 14:00 Application Porting and User Support session –Science Gateways for Discrete Event Simulation based on P-GRADE Portal Wednesday 11:00 Science Gateways session

12 12 Thank you! www.portal.p-grade.hu pgportal@lpds.sztaki.hu Learn once, use everywhere Develop once, execute anywhere

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