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Acts 2:42-47 Making Room to be the Church. What parts of the church in scripture should we be imitating in 2012?

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Presentation on theme: "Acts 2:42-47 Making Room to be the Church. What parts of the church in scripture should we be imitating in 2012?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Acts 2:42-47 Making Room to be the Church



4 What parts of the church in scripture should we be imitating in 2012?

5 Deep Community

6 Koinonia


8 -Love one another -Encourage one another -Be devoted to one another -Build up one another -Be kind to one another -Serve one another -Have concern for one another -Confess your sins to one another -Forgive one another -Pray for one another -Don't judge one another


10 Deep Mission



13 The Church is only the Church when it exists for others - Dietrich Bonhoeffer

14 Deep Generosity

15 Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”


17 Work Watch Spend Repeat


19 What part of the church in Acts, is God calling you to start imitating today?

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