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Malaria Risk Micro stratification-Nepal (at the VDC level)

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Presentation on theme: "Malaria Risk Micro stratification-Nepal (at the VDC level)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Malaria Risk Micro stratification-Nepal (at the VDC level)

2 Technical Feasibility Entomology: -low VC/EIR, focal distribution, exophilic/exophagic, zoophilic and no insecticide resistance (Overall favorable) Physical environment: -high altitude -houses sprayable (Overall favorable) Human ecology: (Overall favorable) Control effectiveness: -good coverage (Overall favorable) Duration of infectivity:-no. P vivax high (80%) (Less favorable) Vulnerability: -high population movement (Less favorable) Operational Feasibility 1. Contextual: -need improvement (Less favorable) 2. General Health System:-need improvement (Less favorable) 3. Malaria control program:-need improvement (Less favorable) 4. Research institution: -need improvement (Less favorable)

3 Overall impression on technical and operational feasibility: Favorable but needs to improve the managerial and technical expertise to implement the malaria elimination program.

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