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2.2 day 3 The Piecewise Function

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Presentation on theme: "2.2 day 3 The Piecewise Function"— Presentation transcript:

1 2.2 day 3 The Piecewise Function
Warm up: State the domain of each function. 1. 2. 3.

2 2.2 Day 3 The Piecewise Function
After this section you should be able to: Evaluate a piecewise function. Determine the domain and range of a piecewise function. Graph a piecewise function.

3 Piecewise Function – A function defined in pieces.


5 Piecewise Function – Domain and Range
(-6, 7) [-7, 7] Range - [-1, 5) (-4.5, -1], [0, 4)

6 Domain - Range - Domain - Range - (-7, -1), (-1, 7] [-1, 5), [6, 6] (-7, 4), [5, 7) [-7, -5), (-2, 7)

7 Domain - Range - Domain - Range - [-1, 5] [-5, 3]

8 Graphing Piecewise Functions
Domain - Range -

9 Domain - (-7, 7] (-4, -2), [-1, 4] Range -

10 Domain - [-6, 7] [-4, 2], (4, 7) Range -

11 The Piecewise Function
After this section you should be able to: Evaluate a piecewise function. Determine the domain and range of a piecewise function. Graph a piecewise function. Homework: Piecewise ws.

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