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The Holy Week Game 100 200 400 300 400 The Days of Holy Week The Events of Holy Week The People of Holy Week Holy Week Trivia 100 300 200 400 200 100.

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Presentation on theme: "The Holy Week Game 100 200 400 300 400 The Days of Holy Week The Events of Holy Week The People of Holy Week Holy Week Trivia 100 300 200 400 200 100."— Presentation transcript:


2 The Holy Week Game

3 100 200 400 300 400 The Days of Holy Week The Events of Holy Week The People of Holy Week Holy Week Trivia 100 300 200 400 200 100 500

4 On this day, Jesus was crucified on the cross. What is Good Friday? 1,1

5 This event was the last time that Jesus ate with all of his disciples. What is the Last Supper? 1,2

6 1,3 This man entered Jerusalem at the beginning of Holy Week, and was crucified towards the end of Holy Week. Who is Jesus?

7 1,4 Holy Week falls immediately before this important holiday. What is Easter?

8 2,1 On this day, Jesus celebrated the Passover meal with his disciples. What is Holy Thursday?

9 2,2 This joyous event follows the conclusion of Holy Week and begins the Easter Season. What is the Resurrection of Jesus?

10 2,3 This man was the Roman governor who authorized the crucifixion of Jesus. Who is Pontius Pilate?

11 2,4 On this day, Jesus washed his disciples’ feet. What is Holy Thursday?

12 3,1 On this day, we celebrate Jesus’ return to Jerusalem. What is Palm Sunday?

13 3,2 This event resulted in Jesus being captured by community leaders. What is the betrayal?

14 3,3 This man betrayed Jesus by sharing his location with the local authorities. Who is Judas Iscariot?

15 3,4 Holy Thursday is also known as this. What is Maundy Thursday?

16 4,1 On this day, Jesus drove the money changers out of the temple. What is Holy Monday?

17 4,2 This grand parade honors the Passion of Christ and takes place in countries where most of the people are Catholic. What is a Holy Week procession?

18 4,3 This man helped Jesus carry his cross to Golgatha. Who is Simon of Cyrene?

19 4,4 Together, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday are known as this. What is The Triduum?

20 5,1 On this day, Judas accepted 30 pieces of silver to reveal Jesus’ location to the Jewish leaders. What is Holy Wednesday (Spy Wednesday)?

21 5,2 What is the Easter Vigil? This is the longest and most solemn of the liturgical services in the Catholic church.

22 5,3 This man was the only one of Jesus’ disciples present at the crucifixion. Who is John?

23 5,4 In the early church, Holy Saturday was sometimes referred to as Sabbatum Magnum, meaning this. What is “Great Sabbath”?

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