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Lutheran Religion Comunicación y Gerencia By Justine and Katja.

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Presentation on theme: "Lutheran Religion Comunicación y Gerencia By Justine and Katja."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lutheran Religion Comunicación y Gerencia By Justine and Katja

2 Background In the early 1500 Martin Luther (German) “protested” doctrines of the Catholic church. In 1521 he was excommunicated. He formed his own church. Followers of Luther’s beliefs are called “Protestants”. In the US there are over 8 million Lutherans.

3 Basic Beliefs The Trinity is God, the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost. They are one unit. Infants are baptized and youth confirm their commitment in the early teens. People are saved by the grace of God, not by anything they do. The Bible is the norm for faith and life.

4 Dietary Restrictions Lutherans do not have dietary restrictions. According to the New Testament food is not unclean. However, some Lutherans celebrate Lent.

5 Lent The period of 40 weekdays before Easter that in some Christian churches is devoted to fasting or giving up something. Some Lutherans give up meat or sweets for this period.

6 Implications for Nursing Care If a Lutheran is giving certain foods up for Lent, this has to be respected during this period. Otherwise, the only other restrictions are allergies etc.


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