Mars Through Time - Day 4. Marsbound! History of Mars exploration taught us about evolving technology and how it changes our scientific understanding.

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Presentation on theme: "Mars Through Time - Day 4. Marsbound! History of Mars exploration taught us about evolving technology and how it changes our scientific understanding."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mars Through Time - Day 4

2 Marsbound!

3 History of Mars exploration taught us about evolving technology and how it changes our scientific understanding of Mars Knowing what you now know about Mars, what kind of spacecraft would you want to send to Mars? Why/What would it do? Design a spacecraft to go to Mars; not looking at landing site possibilities, though you could throw that in with students Each group gets a board and a set of cards; hand out boards and cards Given approximately one hour to design your spacecraft After you have designed your spacecraft, we will roll the dice to see if your rocket will successfully launch and get you to Mars

4 Let’s Take a Break!!  When we come back, we’ll hear an update on the Mars Science Lab mission from ChemCam team member Dr. Nathan Bridges.

5 LUNCH!!  Please move items on the KWL chart if you feel we have learned something this morning!  Walter will join us for lunch again and give a brief overview of the new Pluto images from the New Horizons spacecraft at 12:30.

6 Interactive Lessons from LASP

7 Mars Through Time  Let’s take a break!  Meet back in room 105. We’ll hear from Dr. Amy Williams about the current understanding of water on Mars.

8 Mars Meteorology Overview

9 Thanks for coming! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!

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