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Good Morning!. Healthy way of life: sport ь ь Amateur – любитель Disabled – с ограниченными возможностями Skip breakfast – пропускать завтрак Both-

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Presentation on theme: "Good Morning!. Healthy way of life: sport ь ь Amateur – любитель Disabled – с ограниченными возможностями Skip breakfast – пропускать завтрак Both-"— Presentation transcript:

1 Good Morning!


3 Healthy way of life: sport


5 ь ь Amateur – любитель Disabled – с ограниченными возможностями Skip breakfast – пропускать завтрак Both- оба, обе To keep fit- быть в форме Horse- racing Similar(по значению)- похоже look like (по внешности) - похоже loser- проигравший demand- требовать mental- умственный ability- способность enormous- огромный

6 A good habit or a bad habit?

7 Proverbs: 1.An apple a day keeps the doctor away.A. Кто рано встает, тому и Бог подает. 2.Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. B. В здоровом теле здоровый дух. 3.Good health is above wealth.C. Одно яблоко в день избавляет от врача. 4.A sound mind in a sound body.D. Что нельзя вылечить, то надо претерпеть. 5.A merry heart is a good medicine.E. Здоровье дороже богатства. 6.What can’t be cured, must be endured.F. Веселое сердце- это хорошее лекарство.

8 Answers: 1-C 2- A 3- E 4- B 5- F 6- D


10 1. Fred, an amateur cyclist v 2. Jack, a disabled basketball player v 3. Tanya, an ex - downhill skier vv 4.Frank, a disabled mountain biker v 5. Ivan Yarygin, Olympic champion in freestyle wrestling v

11 Reading

12 True False 1. People all over the world are fond of drink coffee. v 2. Many people do sports on their personal initiative. v 3. Our health depends on ourselves. v One of the best examples of the Yakutian coaches are Roman Dmitriev, Pavel Pinigin, Anastasia Diodorova, Viktor Lebedev, Evgenia Kolodko and others. v 4. There are some national kinds of sports in Yakutia such as Jumping, national wrestling khapsagay, v 5. There are two types of jumps. v

13 Grammatical exercise Should or Shouldn't

14 You shouldn’t be so selfish. I think you shouldn’t smoke so much. You should go in for sports. You shouldn’t smoke.

15 1.You___________ exercise more. 2.My sister often has a headache. I think she_________go to the doctor. 3.The young man has a big problem of his health, he _________smoke very often. 4.The kids_________ spend so much time in front of TV. 5. You__________ be a pessimist. 6. Mary is going to pass an exam this year. She _________read a lot.

16 Work in groups Case technology

17 Reflection of the lesson Sport (noun) Difficult, professional (adjective) Trains,teaches, builds character (Verb) It makes you strong ! (1 sentence) Aim (synonim)

18 16 — 12 = Great! 11-8= Well done! 8-5= Ok 5-0= try again!

19 Home tasks: - Write a short composition about healthy way of life.

20 Thank's for the lesson! Be healthy!

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