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By: Izabella Briseno. Main Points  Bullying  Lack of Support  Change.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Izabella Briseno. Main Points  Bullying  Lack of Support  Change."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Izabella Briseno

2 Main Points  Bullying  Lack of Support  Change

3 Claim  This presentation claims that LGBT teen suicide can be easily caused by bullying and/ or lack of support.

4 Bullying is when one or more people use strength or influence to intimidate someone (either physically, emotionally, or mentally).

5 September’s Children Tyler Clementi (18) Billy Lucas (15) Harrison Chase Brown (15)Cody J. Barker (17) Seth Walsh (13)

6 Stats & Facts  On June 28, 1969 the first gay rights movement was established. --- On June 26, 2015 same sex marriage became a right in the United States.  LGBT Youth are 4 times more likely to contemplate, commit, or attempt suicide than straight peers.

7 The Story of

8 Samantha Johnson Brittany and Sam from Minnesota, experienced bullying, mostly from homophobic slurs. After Sam’s death, Brittany’s peers began to taunt and mock Brittany about the suicide. Brittany Geldert

9 A support system is one of the biggest aspects in life. Lack of support can damage someone's mental health state.

10 Transgender. The biggest known aspect for lack of support is transgender. Transgender is someone who was born in the incorrect gendered body.

11 Leelah Alcorn Leelah was one of the biggest memorable transgender suicides. Born Joshua Ryan Alcorn, Leelah felt out of place. At the age of 14, she came out to her parents as transgender.

12 Leelah Alcorn (cont.) At the age of 16, she asked her parents to begin the transition: they sent her to conversional therapy. On December 28, 2014 Leelah’s suicide note was uploaded via Tumblr.

13 “Conversional therapy is unconscionable. It should be called what it is: Child abuse.” -Fallon Fox (Time Magazine) Conversional therapy is a Christian based therapy that makes homosexuals, heterosexual.

14 Change. Change can come in different kinds of ways. Change can happen in a stranger, family, friends or the person.


16 “I think it will help… I think legalizing gay marriage will help allow more people to be out…to get spousal benefits and things like that… to get to that place of understanding…” -Ticily Medley (Interview)

17 “Honestly, I do not think it will change, I think it will stay the same. You can change the rules, but you can’t change the people…” -Jennifer Gutierrez (Interview)

18 In a survey conducted, 47% of the participants believed suicide rates in the LGBT community will change.

19 In conclusion…  LGBT youth are at a higher risk for depression and/or suicide.  Two of the biggest known reasoning’s studied behind LGBT suicide is bullying and/or lack of support.  You can change the law, but not the people.

20 The intention of this project was to shine some light on how we’re making progress legally but not socially.

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