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The Great Depression Team Scout: Scout, Angela, Hanna and David.

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Presentation on theme: "The Great Depression Team Scout: Scout, Angela, Hanna and David."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Great Depression Team Scout: Scout, Angela, Hanna and David.

2 Short History of the Great Depression Was a worldwide economic crisis in the United States marked by unemployment, halts in industry, and an 89% decline in stock prices Wages fell for those who continued to work Extended through much of the 1920s

3 Short History of the Great Depression Roosevelt won in elections and created the New Deal He created large-scale temporary jobs Hitler's invasion of Poland caused national attention to turn towards defense America entered WW2, factories went into full productions and absorbed all available workers

4 Dust Bowl Great planes were hit hard by drought and dust storms Years of overgrazing combined with the effects of drought caused grass to disappear Farmers were already in debt – so not only were the farmers not able to feed themselves and their families, they couldn’t repay their debt

5 Riding the Rails Few people ha cars, most hitchhiked or “rode the rails” Most people riding the rails were teenagers When a job opened, literally thousands of people applied for the same job

6 New Deal Everyone believed Roosevelt was a hero and believed he cared for the common man Program consisted of AAA (Agricultural Adjustment Administration, the CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps) and the WPA (Works Progress Administration)

7 The End of The Great Depression The Major turn-around for the U.S. economy occurred after the bombing of Pearl Harbor when the United States entered WW2 It was ultimately the entrance of the U.S. in WW2 that ended the Great Depression

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