HYMN FTIR-WG meeting J. Notholt, M. De Mazière, K. Petersen Hydrogen, Methane and Nitrous oxide: Trend variability, budgets and interactions with the biosphere.

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Presentation on theme: "HYMN FTIR-WG meeting J. Notholt, M. De Mazière, K. Petersen Hydrogen, Methane and Nitrous oxide: Trend variability, budgets and interactions with the biosphere."— Presentation transcript:

1 HYMN FTIR-WG meeting J. Notholt, M. De Mazière, K. Petersen Hydrogen, Methane and Nitrous oxide: Trend variability, budgets and interactions with the biosphere

2 Optimised retrieval strategy Microwindows: same MW as in UFTIR (for both CH 4 and N 2 O) Pressure-temperature-profiles: ECMWF/NCEP/radio-sondes ? Spectroscopy/Linelist: for CH 4 : 1.Hitran2004 2.Hitran2004 with adjustments (by Frank Hase/Linefit, from HYMN-lab- measurements) 3.Hitran2004 with adjustments (by Christian Frankenberg, including temperature fit, from HYMN-lab-measurements) for N 2 O: Hitran2004 HDF-Format (  Martines Meta data file) Report on optimised retrieval strategy  Ralf Sussmann HYMN FTIR-WG Meeting Pasadena May 2008 Hydrogen, Methane and Nitrous oxide: Trend variability, budgets and interactions with the biosphere

3 Effect on total columns Hitran FH-lines effect on tot. column: 1.0% lower compared to Hitran2004 scatter less than 0.25% Hitran-CF-Lines effect on tot. column: 0.7% lower compared to Hitran2004 scatter less than 0.25% Hydrogen, Methane and Nitrous oxide: Trend variability, budgets and interactions with the biosphere

4 Mean differences of vmr relativ to Hitran2004 (in%) FH-HitranCF-Hitran Hydrogen, Methane and Nitrous oxide: Trend variability, budgets and interactions with the biosphere

5 FH-HitranCF-Hitran Mean differences of vmr relativ to Hitran2004 (in vmr) Hydrogen, Methane and Nitrous oxide: Trend variability, budgets and interactions with the biosphere

6 - vmr profiles smoother when using HITRAN-CF - mean RMS (Paramaribo 2004): 0.36 Hitran2004 0.34 Hitran-FH 0.34 Hitran-CF  Only little improvement - FH-Hitran: total columns 1.0% lower compared to Hitran2004 - CF-Hitran: total columns 0.7% lower compared to Hitran2004 Fit and vmr profils -FH Hydrogen, Methane and Nitrous oxide: Trend variability, budgets and interactions with the biosphere

7 Comparisons CH 4 HITRAN 2004 / Frankenberg and F. Hase lines at St-Denis Corinne Vigouroux Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy (BIRA-IASB) Brussels, Belgium

8 Profiles: not really smoother? RMS: small improvement: H: 0.226 F: 0.215 Hitran2004 + HYMN CF fit and vmr profils: Reunion, St. Denis

9 (H-F) / [(H+F)/2]: Mean (Bias): -0.67 % Std: 0.05 % The effect is mainly SYSTEMATIC. Observed variation in CH4 columns remains similar. Effect more pronounced in the stratosphere: Bias: 0-12 km: - 0.19 % = -0.55 E17 molec/cm -2 12-100 km:- 2.47 % = -1.85 E17 molec/cm -2 Hitran2004 + HYMN CF effect on total columns: Reunion, St Denis

10 Profiles: not really smoother? RMS: small improvement: H: 0.226 F: 0.207 Hitran2004 + HYMN FH fit and vmr profils: Reunion, St. Denis

11 (H-F) / [(H+F)/2]: Mean (Bias): -0.79 % Std: 0.05 % The effect is mainly SYSTEMATIC. Observed variation in CH4 columns remains similar. Effect in molec/cm-2: more pronounced in the troposphere ! Bias: 0-12 km: - 0.70 % = - 2.00 E17 molec/cm -2 12-100 km:- 1.11 % = - 0.83 E17 molec/cm -2 Hitran2004 + HYMN FH effect on total columns: Reunion, St Denis

12 Comparisons CH 4 HITRAN 2004 / Hase / Frankenberg lines Pierre Duchatelet Institute of Astrophysics and Geophysics InfraRed Group of Atmospheric and Solar Physics University of Liège, Belgium

13 Residuals are mean residuals averaged over 227 spectra





18 MicrowindowHIT-04HaseFrankenberg 2613.0992.0661.0742 2650.1032.0620.0709 2835.1195.0705.0643 2903.1339.0901.0816 2921.1673.1377.1406 Mean residuals values averaged over 227 spectra

19 ECMWF effect on total column: in general 0.075% lower than using NCEP pT-profiles scatter less than 0.05% NCEP vers. ECMWF: Paramaribo

20 Temperature differences ECMWF – NCEP at Reunion, St-Denis in 2004 (shown in Totnes) Courtesy: C. Senten ! Effect of surface pressure variations and ECMWF orography not yet accounted for. Should not be significant at St Denis at 50 masl

21 Impact on retrieved total columns: Reunion, St-Denis Bias: + 0.97 % Scatter: 0.06 % The effect is mainly SYSTEMATIC.

22 Bias: -0.20 % Scatter: 0.10 % Impact on retrieved partial columns (0-12 km): Reunion, St-Denis

23 Bias: + 5.42 % Scatter: 0.19 % Impact on retrieved partial columns (12 – 100 km): Reunion, St-Denis

24 Profiles look better: Other stations ??? NCEP ECMWF Different airmasses but well compensated in the troposphere : similar partial columns are obtained Impact on retrieved profiles: Reunion, St-Denis

25 NCEP vers. ECMWF Advantage OF ECMWF: - Same meteorology than modeller- and satellite-groups Disadvantage ECMWF: - ECMWF-profiles only up to 65km, the profiles has to be „extended“ - Corinne found an effect on the vmr/total columns of several percent for La Reunion - Apart from an „offset“/bias no significant effect for Paramaribo - NCEP used by TCCON Other comments? Hydrogen, Methane and Nitrous oxide: Trend variability, budgets and interactions with the biosphere

26 Retrieval error budget: - new HDF files should contain a quite complete error budget (random and systematic) - report to explain it (June 2008) Frank Hase agreed to do the report on retrieval error budget as soon as we fixed the retrieval strategy. Comments? HYMN FTIR-WG Meeting Pasadena May 2008 Associated retrieval error budget Hydrogen, Methane and Nitrous oxide: Trend variability, budgets and interactions with the biosphere

27 HYMN FTIR-WG Meeting Pasadena May 2008 Deliverable 4.5 / 4.6 For all FTIR-stations: revised historical time series of total column abundances and vertical profiles for CH4 and N2O (all, month 24 /1st September 2008) Preliminary results on the validation of the satellite data with FTIR observations from all sites (BIRA, month 24 /1st September 2008) Hydrogen, Methane and Nitrous oxide: Trend variability, budgets and interactions with the biosphere

28 SCIA-precision-validation study HYMN FTIR-WG Meeting Pasadena May 2008  Ralf Sussmann Hydrogen, Methane and Nitrous oxide: Trend variability, budgets and interactions with the biosphere

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