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PUPPIES FOR SALE Hilton Generational Time Survey of 1220 adults. Percentage of Americans who say they:  Often feel stressed66%  Feel.

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Presentation on theme: "PUPPIES FOR SALE Hilton Generational Time Survey of 1220 adults. Percentage of Americans who say they:  Often feel stressed66%  Feel."— Presentation transcript:



3 Hilton Generational Time Survey of 1220 adults. Percentage of Americans who say they:  Often feel stressed66%  Feel time is crunched60%  Feel pressured to succeed49%  Feel overwhelmed48%


5 DISCUSSION GUIDE 1.What 2 categories do Christians fall into according to the following passages? a. (Gal. 5:25) Spirit-filled/led life b. (1 Cor. 3:1-3) A Christian controlled by the flesh

6 2.How should a spirit-led Christian approach a carnal Christian to help restore them? (Gal. 6:1) In a spirit of gentleness, not being judgmental

7 3. How was the “ Law of Christ ” being contrasted to the “ Law of Moses ” in (Gal. 6:2)? The Law of Moses had been turned into a form of legalism while the Law of Christ was a law of love. Loving God and neighbor was the essence of the Law of Christ.

8 4. What is Jesus ’ promise about our burdens in (Matt. 11:28-30)? a. He will give us rest. b. He will team up with us as we learn from Him. c. He is able to help because He has defeated sin and death.

9 5. How are we to approach another Christian who has a sin problem according to (Titus 3:3-5) and why? Since all Christians were once lost and dead in our sin we should approach those who are struggling with sensitive empathetic hearts.

10 6. According to (Luke 6:39-42) what qualifies a Christian to help a carnal Christian? Only when we have taken care of the sin in our own lives and are living in the Spirit should we help to restore a fallen Christian.

11 7. How would you first approach a carnal Christian friend?

12 8. Besides spiritual burdens, in what other areas can Christians carry one another ’ s burdens? (Make a list.)

13 9. Do you know any other Christians who you could help in any of these areas? List them and form a strategy.

14 10. How would an accountability relationship help in carrying one another ’ s burdens? What is your next step to get involved in one?


16 The Medal for Peace


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