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1.Amat (Amor) Love. Amat (Amor) Amorous: amor (love) ous (full of) Enamor: en (inside, within) amor (love) Amateur amat (love) eur (one who)

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Presentation on theme: "1.Amat (Amor) Love. Amat (Amor) Amorous: amor (love) ous (full of) Enamor: en (inside, within) amor (love) Amateur amat (love) eur (one who)"— Presentation transcript:

1 1.Amat (Amor) Love

2 Amat (Amor) Amorous: amor (love) ous (full of) Enamor: en (inside, within) amor (love) Amateur amat (love) eur (one who)

3 2. Apt (Ept) Fit

4 Apt (Ept) Aptitude – apt (fit) tude (state of) Adapt – ad (to) apt (fit) Inept – in (not) apt(fit)

5 3. Aud Hear

6 Aud Audible – aud (hear) ible (capable) Audition – aud (hear) tion (act of) Auditorium – aud (hear) ium(place where )

7 4. Cid Kill

8 Cid Homicide – hom (man) cid (kill) Herbicide – herb (plant) cid (kill) Regicide – reg (king) cid (kill)

9 5. Cur (Curr, Curs) Run

10 Cur (Curr, Curs) Current – curr (run) ent (full of) Concurrent – con (together) curr (run) ent (full of)

11 6. Dox Belief

12 Dox Heterodox – hetero (different) dox (belief)

13 7. Fid Faith

14 Fid Confident – con (with) fid (faith) ent (full of) Infidel – in (not) fid (faith)

15 8. Ize Make, Do

16 Ize Sanitize – sanitas (healthy) ize (make) Finalize – fin (end) ize (make) Hypnotize – hypnos (sleep) ize (make)

17 9. Lith Rock

18 Lith Lithograph – lith (rock) graph (write) Monolithic – mono (one) lith (rock) ic (characteristics of) Neolithic – neo (new) lith (rock) ic (having characteristics of)

19 10. Luc Light

20 Luc Translucent – trans (across) luc (light) ent (full of) Lucifer – luc (light) fer (bear)

21 11. Miss (mit) Send

22 Miss (mit) Transmit – trans(across) mit (send) Remit – re (back) mit (send)

23 12. Muta Change

24 Muta Mutation – muta (change) tion (act of)

25 13. Nomen (nomin) Name

26 Nomen (nomin) Nominate – nomin (name) ate (make, do)

27 14. Ocul Eye

28 Ocul Binoculars – bi (two) ocul (eye) ar (pertaining to) Ocular – ocul (eye) ar (pertaining to)

29 15. Ous Full of

30 Ous Glamorous – glamor (enchantment) ous (full of) Gluttonous – glutton (eat) ous (full of) Infamous – in (no) fam (renown) ous (full of) **not good to be called**

31 16. Phon Sound

32 Phon Phonics – phon (sound) ics (science of) Microphone – micro (small) phon (sound)

33 17. Psych Mind

34 Psych Psychopath – psycho (mind) path (disease) Psychiatry psych (mind) iatr (cure, heal) y (result of)

35 18. Sacr (secr) holy

36 Sacr (secr) sacred – sacr (holy) sacrifice – sacr (holy) fic (make, do)

37 19. Secut (sequ) follow

38 Secut (sequ) Sequence – sequ (follow) ence (state or act) Execute – ex (out) secut (follow)

39 20. Soph Wise, clever

40 Soph Sophomore – soph (wise, clever) moras (foolish)

41 21. String (strict) Bind, draw tightly

42 String (strict) Astringent – a (to) string (bind) ent (that which) Constrict – con (together) strict (bind)

43 22. Tele Far, distant

44 Tele Telephone – tele (far, distant) phon (sound) Television – tele (far, distant) vis (see) ion (act of)

45 23. Urb City

46 Urb Urban – urb (city) an (related to) Suburban – sub (under) urb (city) an (related to)

47 24. Vi (vit, viv) Life

48 Vi (vit, viv) Vitality – vit (life) ity (state of, quality) Vivacious – viv (life) cious (full of)

49 25. Zo animal

50 Zo Zoology – zo (animal) ology (study of) Zoophile – zo (animal) phil (love of)

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