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HEDONISM “Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die.”

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1 HEDONISM “Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die.”

2 Hedonism Pleasure is the good Actions are to be valued based on the “amount and/ or kind of pleasure that results from it, an in light of that alone.” Egoistic Hedonism– pursuit of pleasure is the highest good and the basis of a “right action.” Cyrenaicism: enjoy life as much as possible right now because tomorrow we could die Epicurians: enjoy a lifetime of moderate pleasures– a life of tranquility or serenity! (Serenity Now!) Key differences: see page 416



5 Problems With Hedonism What?????? See “The Sale of a Cyrenaic” Altruism  shouldn’t we do what’s best for the good of others (Brother’s Keeper, Golden Rule, etc.)? “What happens when one egoistic hedonist’s pursuit of pleasure deprives another of his?” See green box on p. 421


7 Jeremy Bentham: QUANTITY over quality Seek the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people Bentham: quantity of pleasure should determine the decision (What brings about the most pleasure?) How do we weigh pleasure? See “Hedonic Calculus” pp. 428-429 Make sure to use this method when deciding what to do with friends on the weekend….


9 John Stuart Mill: QUALITY over quantity Actions are right if they produce the greatest good or the BEST good and this good should be distributed to the greatest number of people possible Wouldn’t you rather be a dissatisfied Socrates than a satisfied pig? Seek the best or superior good (avoid the inferior happiness)

10 Problems with Utilitarianism How do we determine what will decision will provide us with the highest good? How can we predict that over the long term? Does the hedonic calculus work/ is it possible? How does one calculate or measure happiness? Could you do something wrong (lie, break a promise, steal) to promote the greatest happiness? What if doing something evil is pleasing to someone????? Here’s another situation: p. 441– green box … and another, more diabolical situation– p. 442


12 KANT & MORALITY According to Kant:Doing one’s duty is the most important factor in deciding what is right and wrong “Morality is a matter of ought, or obligation.” The Categorical Imperative: “Act only according to that maxim by which you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law.”

13 The Categorical Imperative When deciding what to do (or if Action A is right or wrong): Put everyone else in the world in your shoes and make your decision. Are you/ would you be comfortable with everyone else making that same decision in that same situation as if it were a law??? If so, then proceed. If not, than do something else (maybe the opposite???).


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