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The Importance of Identifying Skills Or How to sell yourself.

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Presentation on theme: "The Importance of Identifying Skills Or How to sell yourself."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Importance of Identifying Skills Or How to sell yourself

2 What skills are needed for your chosen career?  Research the web sites to see what they say about the necessary skills required  E.g. for nurse training, search widely across several universities  even if you have no intention of going there  i.e. Not just Bangor & Glyndwr  Carefully list these for later self comparison  Think about the roles you already have  Now list the skills involved in these roles

3 Matching up the Skills  Compare the list of skills needed for your chosen career with the list of your own skills  Identify any gaps  Think about how best to plug this gap in the next few weeks  Try to word your skills to match those required more closely

4 Types of skills wanted by employers  Analytical  Problem Solving abilities  Flexibility  Adaptability  Team working skills  Leadership  Communication skills  Persuasiveness  Self motivation  Confidence  Self Discipline  Initiative  Developing ideas  Responsible  Reliability

5 Useful skills for working people  Communicating clearly in speech  Being tactful and diplomatic  Having sensitivity and understanding people  Writing clearly and concisely  Leading people  Expressing feelings appropriately  Persuading  Motivating people  Listening  Being patient  Being part of a team  Negotiating  Keeping calm

6 Useful Resource  Help in identifying your skills can be found:   Look for the section on creating a CV  Use the e-Progress File:  an online e-portfolio where you can build up a unique personal profile

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