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Writing for Social Scientist How to Start and Finish Your Thesis, Book, or Article - Yogesh Malhorta 1996.

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Presentation on theme: "Writing for Social Scientist How to Start and Finish Your Thesis, Book, or Article - Yogesh Malhorta 1996."— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing for Social Scientist How to Start and Finish Your Thesis, Book, or Article - Yogesh Malhorta 1996

2 Summary notes on Dr. Mullooly on Howard Becker on Yogesh Malhorta

3 Chapter 1 Freshmen English for Grad Students -Start Writing -Don’t worry about rules -Mixed Up drafts are ok… -Early writing helps you begin to clean up your thinking sooner. “The only job left…even though you have just begun, is to make it clearer.” *** Be Gentle-not the editing guru***

4 Chapter 2- Persona and Authority “In the process of writing drafts, try to cut down on word without losing the meaning of the work (make it more rich)” Don’t be an elitist just be effective and get your point across.

5 Chapter 3 One Right Way Write Introductions Last How can you introduce something you have not written yet? Put your last paragraph first, telling readers where the argument is going ad what all this material will finally introduce.

6 Chapter 3 Free Writing- Write whatever comes in your head as fast as you can without any notes or outlines. The object is to find out what you want to say….what your project has already led you to believe.

7 Home Activity- Dissertation Topics Write down, in no more than one or two sentences, one hundred different thesis ideas. *few get past 25 to see that they only have 2 or 3 ideas which are variations of the same theme*

8 Chapter 7 Getting It out the Door “Those who wait until its perfect are still waiting” (without a DISSERTATION) Write it and don’t BS it. “More is better” is no more true than “less is better”

9 Chapter 8 Terrorized by the literature Prove your originality by attaching your idea to a well- explored area so that you don’t redo something already done Be the wood table maker that makes standard sizes. You are part of the puzzle. You know that there is room for more pieces but you are not re-doing what has been done before.

10 Questions???

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