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1.i will have ate by the time you get hear said neil you cant come since you left the dog run away Monday.

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Presentation on theme: "1.i will have ate by the time you get hear said neil you cant come since you left the dog run away Monday."— Presentation transcript:

1 1.i will have ate by the time you get hear said neil you cant come since you left the dog run away Monday

2 3.B, H, I : __________ : : D, J, K : M, S, T 4.___________ : insolent : : polite : courteous Daily Analogy

3 1.melissa and i lied on the Beach while at stanfor state park i wont leave you lay down yet Tuesday

4 3.oil : lubricate : : detergent : _________ 4.cube : sphere : : square : _______ Daily Analogy

5 1.i have sang over the rainbow your favorite song may times brother he has began to repair cars at buds garage and towing company Wednesday

6 3.25 : 5 : : 81 : ______ 4.egg : larva : : pupa : ________ Daily Analogy

7 1.marys clothes i think have became worn from playing so much Football 2.consequently i have took to more days to finish the job Thursday

8 3.implore : plead : : precise : ______ 4.India : ______ : : Egypt : Africa Daily Analogy

9 1.his theory however wasnt write said ruth tim threw the ball to margarita and i, the phone rung Friday

10 3.__________ : mechanic : : animal : veterinarian 4.tool : shovel : : ________ : gasoline Daily Analogy

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