Electives The Eagles Mosh Pit. Fine Arts A: Access more sites to view art at school and home R: Student gallery walk with art or photography on iPad.

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Presentation on theme: "Electives The Eagles Mosh Pit. Fine Arts A: Access more sites to view art at school and home R: Student gallery walk with art or photography on iPad."— Presentation transcript:

1 Electives The Eagles Mosh Pit


3 Fine Arts A: Access more sites to view art at school and home R: Student gallery walk with art or photography on iPad


5 Performing Arts S: Upload workbooks, sheet music, etc. A: Save $$$ using less paper A: Videotape concerts and view immediately for reflection assignments


7 LOTE M: Upload music and videos giving students access to key resources M: Peer edit A: Eliminate posters and create story boards on iPad and project on Apple TV A: Project assignments and HW on AppleTV to show student work


9 P.E. S: Upload syllabus and articles for annotation and group projects/presentations A: Upload videos on rules of games, Fitness- gram, and fundamentals A: Annotate reading assignments R: Use app for logging exercise and food intake


11 Career Readiness S: Scan in documents and resources A: Annotate articles and functional documents M: Create Career Path maps, resumes, and workplace presentations R: Virtual job shadowing and guest speakers via FaceTime

12 All Departments R: Assignments turned in and graded using the iPad (including voice function) R: Use Explain Everything app to demo lessons

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