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初中进阶 (2250 期 20150424) 45 版 Expo Milano 2015 is calling.

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Presentation on theme: "初中进阶 (2250 期 20150424) 45 版 Expo Milano 2015 is calling."— Presentation transcript:

1 初中进阶 (2250 期 20150424) 45 版 Expo Milano 2015 is calling

2 Pre-reading 1.Have you been to the Expo held in Shanghai in 2010? Which pavilion left the deepest impression on you?

3 2.Milan, Italy, will host the Expo in 2015. What do you know about the city and the event?

4 While reading True or false 1.Milan hosted the Expo more than 100 years ago. 2.About 50 theme pavilions have been completed to display specific foods. 3.Expo Milano 2015 focuses on the topic of agriculture and the economy. 4.The China pavilion is not as large as the Italy one. T F F T

5 Choose the best answers. 1.Expo Milano 2015 will last about ________. A. three monthsB. half a year C. nine monthsD. one year 2.Expo 2015 will include all the following issues EXCEPT ________. A. talking about food problems in the world B. celebrating food culture C. dividing exhibition areas D. presenting modern technology for agricultural use B C

6 3.The China pavilion looks like a vast wheat field to ________. A. cover the roof with bamboo B. show development in China’s agriculture C. make it more attractive D. explain how grain grows in China 4.According to the article, Milan, Italy, is famous for its ________. ① art ② architecture ③ fashion ④ tourism ⑤ food A. ①③④ B. ②④⑤ C. ②③⑤ D. ①②⑤ B D

7 Language study present 是一个兼类词,可作形容词、名词和动词。 需要注意的是, present 在表示不同词性时,重音和 发音有所变化。作形容词 “ 现在的 ” 和名词 “ 礼物 ” 时, 读音为 /'preznt/ ;而作动词 “ 展示 ” 时,读 音为 /prI'zent/ 。 常见的因词性不同发音会变化的单词还有: desert n. /'dez=t/ 沙漠 v. /dI'z+:t/ 抛弃 conduct n. /'k^nd2kt/ 举止 v. /k=n'd2kt/ 带领 objectn. /'^bd3Ikt/ n. 物体 v. /=b'd3ekt/ 反对

8 Read the following sentences. Pay attention to the underlined words. 1.We do not have any more information at the present time. 2.The old village has been deserted. 3.What can I send him as a birthday present? /'preznt/ /dI'z+:tId/

9 4.The company decided to present a more modern image. 5.Everyday objects are expensive in this country. 6.Do you know where the Sahara Desert is? 7.Many local people object to the building of the new airport. /'dez=t/ /prI'zent/ /'^bd3Ikts/ /=b'd3ekt/

10 After reading Suppose you are a designer of the China pavilion at Expo Dubai 2020. What’s your plan for it with the theme Connecting Minds, Creating the Future? 2010 Shanghai2015 Milan 2020 Dubai

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