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Pre-class Activity 1/18 How does blood help the body maintain homeostasis?

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1 Pre-class Activity 1/18 How does blood help the body maintain homeostasis?

2 The Cardiovascular system Carries nutrients, oxygen, hormones, and wastes through the body and distributes heat to maintain homeostasis Components Heart Blood Vessels Blood

3 Pre-class Question 1/5 What are the three components of the cardiovascular system? Heart Blood vessels Blood


5 Blood Vessels ArteriesVeinsArteriolesVenulesCapillaries Contains a muscular layer that allows the vessel to expand when blood passes through Allows for the exchange of materials between the blood and fluid surrounding cells. Capillaries are only one cell thick. Returns blood to the heart. Valves stop blood from flowing backward.

6 Vascular System

7 Blood LiquidSolid Plasma (55%) 90% Water 10% Solutes Salts Proteins Nutrients Wastes Cells Red blood cells White blood cells Platelets

8 Pre-class Question 1/6 What feature of arteries make them pump blood efficiently? Homework Active Reading Worksheet: Cardiovascular system (due 1/7)

9 Blood Cells and Platelets Red Blood Cells Responsible for transporting oxygen that is bound to hemoglobin. Mature red blood cells do not have nuclei and live only about 120 days. White Blood Cells Contain nuclei and defend the body against disease. Platelets Cell fragments that aid in blood clotting

10 Blood Types Blood Type is determined by antigens (proteins) on the surface of red blood cells. The major blood types are A, B, O and Rh

11 Cardiovascular Health 4 Main Diseases High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) Blood pressure over 120/80 Hardened Arteries (Arteriosclerosis) Accumulation of plaque on the walls of arteries narrows arteries and decreases the flow of blood Heart Attack Occurs when blood supply to the heart is reduced or stopped. Stroke Occurs when blood supply to the brain is blocked or when a blood vessel in the brain bursts.

12 Lymphatic System Key components Lymph vessels Lymph nodes Lymph tissue Some fluid leaks out of capillaries as blood passes through. This fluid is collected by the lymphatic system and delivered back to the blood stream. The lymphatic system is also responsible for fighting infection.

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