Mary Sobba Ag Business Specialist (573) 581-3231

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1 Mary Sobba Ag Business Specialist (573) 581-3231

2 Project Team Ag Business Specialists Mexico Nevada Edina Unionville Lancaster  Darla Campbell  Karisha Devlin  Joe Koenen  Wayne Prewitt  Mary Sobba

3 Need for Education  Confusion with other states  Many calls asking questions  Large number of verbal leases  Increase in acres rented  Value ($$$) of leases

4 Reality of Situation  # of Extension Specialists not increasing any time soon  New specialists still learning  Current specialists covering more counties – time is precious  Travel budgets tight

5 Methods of Teaching  Interactive TV - also called ITV  Skype and Adobe  Multiple sites  Ag Business Specialist at each site  Partnering with schools to use facilities  Multiple instructors

6 Advantages  Share Resources  Share Teaching load  Share Advertising  Share Paperwork / Reporting

7 Workshop Details  3 hour program  PowerPoints shown @ ea. site, so instructor could be seen  Handouts responsibility of ea. site  Fees collected at each sit ◦ $20 ea. or $30 / family

8 Topics Included  Current Cash Rent in Missouri and Trends  Specific Items to Include in a Lease  Terminating Farm Leases  Livestock / Crop Share Arrangements  Recreational Leases

9 Topic # 1 Current Cash Rent in Missouri and Trends  Traditional Rules of Thumb  Discussion of Crop Share Agreements  Land Values  Current Farm Rental Guides

10 Topic # 2 Specific Items to Include in a Lease  Five Essential Items ◦ Names & Descriptions ◦ Terms ◦ Rates & Arrangements ◦ Right of Entry ◦ Signature  Additional Recommended Items

11 Topic # 3 Terminating Farm Leases  Missouri has a written law on oral leases  Missouri is different than surrounding states  50% of Leases in Missouri are verbal  Details of how to terminate verbal leases.

12 Topic # 4 Livestock / Crop Share Arrangements  Common Share Agreements – who pays what  Advantages & Disadvantages  Incentives  Considerations – Death loss, disaster

13 Topic # 5 Recreational Leases  Hunting is Big Business - $975 m spent annually to rent hunting land  Fishing & Wildlife Watching is also a business  Liability Issues  Advantages & Disadvantages  Factors Determining a Lease Price

14 Evaluations  Short – one page  Future considering “clickers”  Ask if recommend to others  Knowledge gained  Actions they plan to take as a result of this program

15 Evaluations  98% recommend workshop to others  83% understand termination  83% understand leases are legal binding contracts  81% know where to find help and lease forms  Many plan to check leases to makes sure they have essential items.

16 Workshop Attendants  2008-09 - 3 sessions  181 participants (12 sites)  2009-10 - 1 session  46 participants (3 sites)  2010-11 - 1 session  65 participants (5 sites)  2011-12 - 1 session  53 participants (5 sites)  2012-13 - 2 sessions  79 participants (5 sites) Total – 424

17 Technology Lessons Learned  Test connections beforehand  Share cell numbers for all sites  Various technology for sites – ITV, Skype, Adobe  Always have handouts in case technology fails.

18 Summary  Allow reaching small and remote audiences  Capitalize on knowledge and expertise of specialists  Participants positive about technology  Share teaching load  Plan to offer more in future!

19 Mary Sobba MU Extension Ag Business Specialist (573) 581-3231 Questions and Comments are welcomed.

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