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Biome-NO-trics Securing your business through biometrics so there are no tricks. Hailey Nealen, Rebekah O’Bryan, and Mirada McCormick.

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Presentation on theme: "Biome-NO-trics Securing your business through biometrics so there are no tricks. Hailey Nealen, Rebekah O’Bryan, and Mirada McCormick."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biome-NO-trics Securing your business through biometrics so there are no tricks. Hailey Nealen, Rebekah O’Bryan, and Mirada McCormick

2 Client  Our client, a bank, wants to secure access to accounts within the building, over the phone, and at ATM’s.  Biometrics will be used to provide the ultimate security.

3 Plan Proposal  In order to protect our valued clients financial assets, we need a system that accommodates ease of access and supreme security.  Access to the physical building will only be granted with a hand scan at the outer entrance.  ATM access will be granted with both ear and fingerprint scans.

4 Plan Proposal Continued  To access the Security Deposit Boxes, 2 different fingerprint scans will be required.  To access your account over the phone, we will be using voice recognition software.

5 Advanced Security for ATMs  Ear recognition  Fingerprint scanning  These forms of biometrics will secure the accounts, improve accuracy, and prevent fraud from occurring.

6 What is Ear Recognition?  Visual form of biometrics  Identification using shape of ear  In a new shape-finding breakthrough  “Image ray transform”  Scientists found that outer ear may prove to be one of the most accurate and least intrusive ways to identify people.

7 Why Ear Recognition?  99.6% accuracy  More user-friendly  Hard to break the system  Preferred over fingerprint scanning because fingerprints rub off and callouses can form because of hard, repetitive labor.  $100

8 Potential Limitation  Earless customers  Glitches in the system  This is why we will have fingerprint scanning as a back-up.

9 Success Story  Two years ago, a government agency installed ear recognition along with retinal scans. So far, there has been no breaks in the system.


11 Fingerprint Scanning for ATMs & Safety Deposit Boxes  Fingerprint scanning will improve accuracy and prevent any fraud from occurring.  Our technology will include the use of scanning two fingers to increase safety.

12 What is fingerprint scanning?  Fingerprint scanning is a biometric tool that memorizes the unique contours of fingerprints.  The fingerprint scanner stores and memorizes the contours, loops, whirls and arches of each individual finger print in its system so that it will identify the user specifically.  It uses key differences/points of location on each finger that set it off from other peoples’ fingers. It analyzes the crossover, core, bifurcation, and ridges to code data specific to that one person.

13 Why use a fingerprint scanner?  Even as one of the first biometric inventions, it still remains top of its class of biometric devices at a 99.8% accuracy rate.  Many people use fingerprint recognition on a day-to-day basis.  Finger scanners are in iPhones, USBs, Laptops, and many other devices.  Fingerprints are a very reliable form of biometric security because the fingerprint is a unique, unchanging feature.  $70-200

14 My Fingerprint Success Story  The United States military used biometric devices in the field in Kosovo to identify both friendly and hostile people. Combining fingerprint technology with iris recognition, the military was able to quickly and effectively help Marines in the field to deescalate war situations.

15 Limitations to Fingerprint Scanning  You can only use fingerprint scanning if...  You have fingerprints.  Scanners can pick up dirt and oils that may prevent your finger from being scanned correctly.

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