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. Great expectations. Perspectives of the Regional development programme in Romania from the point of view of the potential future beneficiaries * by Biagio.

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Presentation on theme: ". Great expectations. Perspectives of the Regional development programme in Romania from the point of view of the potential future beneficiaries * by Biagio."— Presentation transcript:

1 . Great expectations. Perspectives of the Regional development programme in Romania from the point of view of the potential future beneficiaries * by Biagio Perretti** * This presentation represents the opinions of the author and not necessarily the official position of the Consortium implementing the FPTSF project. ** Phare Project: Programming and implementation of preaccess support for PHARE ESC and transition to Structural Funds. Romania. International consortium. lead partner FORMEZ Italy

2 1.Perspectives of SF Interventions in Romania. The Regional Operational Programme in the framework of the strategic guidelines for 2007-2013 2.Local needs, project ideas and perspectives from the point of view of potential beneficiaries 3.Consistency of beneficiaries expectations and the EU strategic priorities for the next programming period 4.Key issues for the future. 5.Conclusions Overview and Introduction

3 The cohesion regions in Romania

4 Regional development in Romania * From: REGIONAL COMPETITIVENESS IN ROMANIA by Maria Vincze Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Economic Sciences Cluj-Napoca, Romania 2004

5 Operational programmes erdf-cf Romania

6 Potential Beneficiaries involved in the survey

7 Number of Project ideas per areas of intervention 0%5%10%15%20%25%30%35% transport educational infrastructures social services Health services environment utilities Grants for SMEs SMEs services industrial development tourism cultural heritage Urban reabilitation

8 Financial weight of project ideas per areas of intervention

9 Qualitative indicators of project readiness

10 Availability of project ideas per programme priorities* * Expected, still under negotiation

11 Project ideas versus Strategic Guidelines


13 1.Focus on Entrepreneurship promotion 2.Tourism promotion for the diversification of rural economy 3.Promotion of public private partnerships for better public services Opportunities for the implementation of the Lisbon strategy and strategic guidelines in Romania

14 1.Adverse selection due to co-financing uncertainties 2.Traditional approaches in innovative areas 3.Uncertainties in institution building for programme and project implementation 4.Inertia effects bringing to focus on pre- accession limited fields of intervention Treats for the implementation of the Lisbon strategy and strategic guidelines in Romania

15 1.Information and capacity building at the level of beneficiaries. 2.Finalization of programme priorities and expected instruments 3.Fast clarification of institutional asset for programme management 4.Clear allocation of co-financing responsibilities coherent to the priorities …Conclusions and future prospects

16 Thank you for your attention!

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