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LEADERSHIP & MANAGEMENT Ülkümen Rodoplu,MD. Who is the leader ? What is leadership ? What is management ? Why do we need this ?

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Presentation on theme: "LEADERSHIP & MANAGEMENT Ülkümen Rodoplu,MD. Who is the leader ? What is leadership ? What is management ? Why do we need this ?"— Presentation transcript:


2 Who is the leader ? What is leadership ? What is management ? Why do we need this ?


4 What is leadership? Leading people Influencing people Commanding people Guiding people

5 The first responsibility of the leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between is a servant. Max DePree

6 Leadership requires the courage to resist the pressures of immediate situations. Joseph Badaracco

7 EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT Area of complex interactions. Involves multiple providers. Numerous, interrelated processes with disparate resources.

8 IMPACT OF EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT Staggering in its reach. Confusing in its complexity. Intimidating in its scope. Multiple jobs are provided in a smooth, coordinated fashion for the patient.

9 Success………….. Requires effective management. For effective clinical care, appropriate leadership skills. Coordination of ED proccesses.

10 MEDICINE… Art Science Business

11 Leadership & Management John KOTTER Leadership and management are two distinctive and complementary systems of action. Each has its own function and characteristic activities. Both are necessary for success. Most U.S. Corporations are overmenaged and underled

12 Types of Leaders Leader by the position achieved Leader by personality, charisma Leader by moral example Leader by power held Intellectual leader Leader because of ability to accomplish things

13 Managers vs. Leaders MANAGERS Focus on things Do things right Plan Organize Direct Control Follows the rules LEADERS Focus on people Do the right things Inspire Influence Motivate Build Shape entities

14 Common Activities for EDs Planning Organizing Directing Controlling

15 Planning MANAGER Planning Budgeting Sets targets Establishes detailed steps Allocates resources LEADER Sets strategy Sets direction Creates vision

16 Organizing MANAGER Creates structure Job descriptions Staffing Hierarchy Delegates Training LEADER Gets people on board for strategy Communication Networks

17 Directing Work MANAGER Solves problems Negotiates Brings to consensus LEADER Empowers people

18 Controlling MANAGER Implements control systems Performance measures Identifies variances Fixes variance s LEADER Motivate Inspire Gives sense of accomplishment

19 The Ideal Organization Has clear goals and expectations. Has well defined duties and responsibilities. Has high quality talent and clear cut standards. Promotes people on merit. Immune to bureaucracy Produces high level financial performance.

20 Leadership Styles i) Leadership is essentially due to charisma. - Rare, illusive, can not be taught. - “Leaders are born not made. - This dilemma ignores the roles of experience, judgment, boldness.

21 Leadership Styles ii) Training is the main element to produce leaders. - Skills and techniques alone are not sufficient to produce progress. - Leads to the paralysis of analysis when faced with critical, time dependent problems.

22 Leadership Styles iii) Situational leadership or style philosophy - Appropriate response comes down to this: “-It all depends.” - Leaders style should vary with each situation.

23 Basic Principles for Leaders Have two to three years to make measurable financial and cultural progress. Come in knowing current strategy, goals, and challenges. Form hypothesis on operating priorities. Balance intense focus on priorities with flexibility on implementation….

24 Basic Principles, con’t Decide about new organization architecture. Build personal credibility and momentum. Earn right to transform entity. Remember there is no “one” way to manage a transition.

25 How To Create Momentum ? Learn and know about ED Securing early wins First set short term goals. When achieved make a big deal. Should fit long term strategy. Foundation for change. Vision of how the organization will look. Build political base to support change. Modify culture to fit vision.

26 Create Momentum Build credibility Demanding but can be satisfied. Accessible but not too familiar. Focused but flexible. Active. Can make tough calls but humane.

27 How Far Can You Go?

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