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CSC/FAR 020, Computer Graphics, November 16, 2009 Dr. Dale E. Parson Outline for week 12 Selection.

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Presentation on theme: "CSC/FAR 020, Computer Graphics, November 16, 2009 Dr. Dale E. Parson Outline for week 12 Selection."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSC/FAR 020, Computer Graphics, November 16, 2009 Dr. Dale E. Parson Outline for week 12 Selection

2 Download and unzip Create a small set of shapes. Selection Tool sweep, Object -> Group them. Create a few more shapes. Selection Tool sweep, Object -> Group these + former group into a second-order Group. Selection Tool selects the entire group. Direct Select selects vertices / edges. Group Select, multiple clicks selects group hierarchy.

3 More Selection Lasso Tools selects vertices and edges. Magic Wand selects based on Fill color, Stroke color, Stroke Weight. Double click the wand. Selection Tool shift-click adds or subtracts. Direct Select highlights a vertex beneath its cursor. Select -> Same based on properties. Select all on a layer via the Layers Panel.

4 Isolate Selected Groups Select a group of objects. Click Isolate Selected Group in Control Panel. Group appears in Layers Panel. Editing is limited to active group. Clicking top gray bar ends isolation. Object -> Ungroup removes levels of grouping. Select -> Save Selection under a name.

5 Grids and Guides Check View -> Smart Guides to get coordinate and related information. View -> Grid shows a snap grid. View -> Snap To Grid forces grid alignment. Test, then disable this. Illustrator -> Preferences -> Guides and Grid to set grid resolution. Illustrator -> Preferences -> Smart Guides. Enable the top set of options.

6 Moving / Copying Objects Selection Tools moves whole objects / groups. Apple-C / Apple-V for copy / paste. Make and Select a Star Object -> Path -> Offset Path with a.1 in offset, try Miter, Round and Bevel. Window -> Align or alignment icons on Control Panel. Align to Key Object uses reference object.

7 Automating a Composition Put a single simple object (e.g., star) on the page. Select it. Record the following actions: Copy, paste (or Offset Path 0), align, scale, rotate (and / or other transforms), align centers, group, end record. Click this action sequence repeatedly (slowly) to get spiraling-in shapes similar to the first assignment. You may run out of memory!

8 Transformations Window -> Transform and Align Panels. Rulers help with number-based transformations on complicated, many-sided geometric shapes. Object -> Transform has addition transforms. Select -> right click also shows transform menu. If you run low on memory, Save, Quit, restart.

9 PhotoShop Paths to Illustrator Shapes DSC_0007.jpg into PhotoShop. Non-contiguous magic wand, tolerance 100. Create and name a new Path from selection. Use Path menu with 1 pixel tolerance. Rename testpath, Edit -> Copy the path. Create a new Illustrator document. Set fill to gradient. Edit gradient options later. Stroke to black. Paste the shape (compound path).

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