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The color is colorless it is special of its transparent I have no smell The answer is gypsum!!!!

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Presentation on theme: "The color is colorless it is special of its transparent I have no smell The answer is gypsum!!!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 the color is colorless it is special of its transparent I have no smell The answer is gypsum!!!!

2 The answer is quartz My color is yellow I look like glass I break like glass

3 For its color it is yellow, brown. 2. It is special by its yellow steak Smells like rotten eggs. The answer is sphalerite

4 my color is green,and black what makes me special I have a cleavage planes make A square. I am made of protein. The answer is pyroxene!!

5 My color are purple,green,yellow. I have crystals that are cubes. I am transparent.

6 I look like rust. My color is yellow. My color is brown. Answer is limonite.

7 My color is white,pink,and gray. I have a hardness like glass. I look like mountains. The answer is feldspar!!

8 I am pink Taste salty Breaks like cubes Answer is halite!!!!!!!!!

9 I am heavy Show cleavage I am gray and black Answer is galena

10 Peels I can be green I am color less Answer is mica

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