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Writing a History Essay

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1 Writing a History Essay
Parts of Essay Introduction (topic sentence containing essay’s key idea(s) Body/Development (paragraph(s) discussing supporting parts. Conclusion (reminding reader of key idea(s) established.)

2 Getting Started Sample Question:
Brainstorm and then organize logically the key ideas that you feel address question: Use a web or other visual organizer. Prioritize ideas. Does any one idea seem the most important? Do you see any patterns? Draft a tentative topic sentence. Sample Question: What was the role of geography in Mesopotamia’s cultural development?

3 Grade these Topic Sentences
Geography played a big role in the development of Mesopotamia’s culture. Geography had both positive and negative effects on Mesopotamia’s cultural development. Although there were some positive benefits, Mesopotamia’s geography, on balance, had a negative impact on the Fertile Crescent’s cultural and historical development.

4 The Development of a History Essay:
Now, develop your ideas Explain and relate to other ideas (analysis-why important) Support by facts (what happened?) and Provide evidence (How do we prove it?)

5 Question: What was the role of geography in Mesopotamia’s cultural development?
Sample Answer (condensed): Mesopotamia’s geography, dominated by the violent and unpredictable flooding of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, promoted a pessimistic, even fatalistic outlook toward life. Mesopotamia’s literature, for example, the Epic of Gilgamesh, supports this view. In this epic poem, we see the fearsome effects of a terrible flood and finally we see nature (snake) triumphing over man.

6 Edit your Draft Content Organization Format Rewrite
Do you have a key idea(s)? Do you explain and support your idea(s) Organization Format Rewrite

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