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S-2S meeting Toshi Gogami 21Oct2014. Contents Design of TOF detector TOF detector performance test.

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Presentation on theme: "S-2S meeting Toshi Gogami 21Oct2014. Contents Design of TOF detector TOF detector performance test."— Presentation transcript:

1 S-2S meeting Toshi Gogami 21Oct2014

2 Contents Design of TOF detector TOF detector performance test

3 CAD drawing of TOF detector (plane) Gaps have to be appeared.  inefficient

4 Overlap and distance (TOF detector) Overlap Distance (Overlap, Distance) = (4 mm, 10 mm)

5 CAD drawing of TOF detector (zigzag) 18 segments of plastic scintillators どうでしょう?

6 TOF detector performance test @ 3F experimental room, Kyoto Univ. Log note DAQ source (camac) Circuit diagram Data (text file) Analysis (sample codes) Pictures

7 Summary TOF detector with zigzag configuration: (overlap, distance) = (4 mm, 10 mm) is enough to detect particles with θ < 15 deg. Summary of TOF detector performance test 

8 Backu p

9 /* Toshi Gogami, 21Oct2014 */ void gap(){ // ===== General conditions ======= gROOT->SetStyle("Plain"); gStyle->SetOptStat(0); // ==== Functions ========== TF1* func1 = new TF1("func1","x*tan((90.0-15.0)/180.0*3.14159)",0.0,100.0); TF1* func2 = new TF1("func2","x*tan((90.0-10.0)/180.0*3.14159)",0.0,100.0); TF1* func3 = new TF1("func3","x*tan((90.0-20.0)/180.0*3.14159)",0.0,100.0); func1->SetLineStyle(1); func2->SetLineStyle(5); func3->SetLineStyle(7); // ==== Create empty histogram ======= TH2F* h_emp = new TH2F("h_emp","", 100,0.0,10.0, 100,0.0,30.0); h_emp->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Overlap [mm]"); h_emp->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Distance [mm]"); // ==== Draw functions ===== TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("c1","c1"); h_emp->Draw(); func1->Draw("same"); func2->Draw("same"); func3->Draw("same"); // ====== Marker ====== double x = 4.0; double y = 10.0; //TMarker* m = new TMarker(5.0,10.0,25); TMarker* m = new TMarker(x,y,27); m->Draw(""); // ====== Box ======= TBox* b = new TBox(x-0.5,y-0.5,x+0.5,y+0.5); b->SetFillStyle(0); b->SetLineColor(2); b->SetLineWidth(2); b->Draw(); // ===== Legend ====== TLegend* dragon_leg = new TLegend(0.7,0.2,0.88,0.5); dragon_leg->AddEntry(func2,"#theta=10 deg","l"); dragon_leg->AddEntry(func1,"#theta=15 deg","l"); dragon_leg->AddEntry(func3,"#theta=20 deg","l"); dragon_leg->SetFillStyle(0); dragon_leg->Draw(); // ===== Print ====== //c1->Print("TOF_overlap-distance.png","png"); //c1->Print("TOF_overlap-distance.eps","eps"); }

10 Circuit diagram

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