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Simple “VICO” (“VIPO”) Programs (Variables, Input, Calculating or Processing, Output)

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Presentation on theme: "Simple “VICO” (“VIPO”) Programs (Variables, Input, Calculating or Processing, Output)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Simple “VICO” (“VIPO”) Programs (Variables, Input, Calculating or Processing, Output)

2 What Do Computer Programs Do? Computer programs are created to solve a problem for the user. Good computer programmers are really good problem solvers – a valuable skill to have! Specifically, a Turing program must: – Create variables to store the data. – Get data from a user which is called input. – Process or work on the data. This processing is often calculating or sorting the data. – Return the processed data to the user which is called output. These steps must be done in order – VIPO or VICO

3 Simple Diagram of Parts of a Computer System Used In Programming Output Device (Monitor) Input Device (Keyboard) Microprocessor (“Calculates”) RAM (“Remembers”) Central Processing Unit (CPU) Data

4 % Allows the user to input their name and 2 integers. The % integers will be added and their name & sum will be outputted % Variable Section var name : string % Users name var numOne : int % First integer inputted by the user var numTwo : int % Second integer inputted by the user var total : int % Stores the sum of the two integers % Input Section put "What is your name? " get name put "Enter an integer” get numOne put "Enter another integer " get numTwo % Calculation (Processing) Section total := numOne + numTwo % Output Section put "Sum of the numbers ", name, " has inputted is ", sum

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