Omniran-13-0051-00-ecsg 1 OmniRAN EC SG July 2013 Opening Report Chair: Max Riegel, NSN.

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1 omniran-13-0051-00-ecsg 1 OmniRAN EC SG July 2013 Opening Report Chair: Max Riegel, NSN

2 omniran-13-0051-00-ecsg 2 OmniRAN EC SG Objectives and Status When renewing the OmniRAN EC SG on March 22 nd the IEEE 802 EC refined the objectives for the OmniRAN EC SG: –To perform a gap analysis that shows what pieces of work that are relevant to 802 (standards and standards under development) are not covered by existing external SDOs (IETF, 3GPP,...) and internal, and socialize that analysis with those SDOs; –Having performed that gap analysis, define a crisp scope of the ECSG (target 15 words or less); –Define what piece(s) of work within that scope (a) fall legitimately within 802's remit and (b) are achievable within an 802 activity. The OmniRAN EC SG completed the gap analysis and defined required activities in scope of IEEE 802. Dissemination of the results has started and will continue during the July 2013 session The investigations led to a more complex picture of required standardization activities.

3 omniran-13-0051-00-ecsg 3 OmniRAN EC SG Results: Topics for Standardization in IEEE 802 The discovered gaps in IEEE 802 technologies should be addressed by the related IEEE 802 WGs Establishing a common approach of specifying ‘external’ control into IEEE 802 technologies would require: –specifications of the control attributes for the individual IEEE 802 technologies by their working groups (normative, in annex of related specifications to ensure consistency) –a specification describing the ‘OmniRAN’ Network Reference Model and listing the DL and PHY control functions demanded for access networks and SDN (informative) –a specification on the usage of IP protocols for the transport of IEEE 802 attributes and the definition of IEEE 802 attributes for such IP protocols (informative for IEEE 802, probably in cooperation with IETF) The discussions in the July 2013 session will mainly address the progressing of the standardization topics mentioned above. It is not clear yet, whether OmniRAN EC SG will ask for an extension until the November 2013 session. –Depends on agreement in OmniRAN EC SG on objectives for an extension

4 omniran-13-0051-00-ecsg 4 July 2013 OmniRAN F2F Schedule MonTueWedThuFri 08:00 10:00 EC Opening SessionJoint w/ 802.11 ARC 10:30 12:30 IEEE 802 Opening Plenary Mtg w/ 802.1EC Closing Session 13:30 15:30 OmniRAN Opening Meeting Joint w/ 802.21OmniRAN Closing Meeting Mtg w/ 802.19 16:00 18:00 Mtg w/ 802.24

5 omniran-13-0051-00-ecsg 5 OmniRAN ECSG Resources Website: Document Archive on mentor: Email reflector: Email archive: Attendance: Paper list (normative) + IMAT –IMAT mandatory for participants seeking attendence credits –Reciprocal rights for most WGs

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