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Switching Losses Switching Power Pole Switching Device I OUT V IN R ON Ideal Diode (for now..)

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Presentation on theme: "Switching Losses Switching Power Pole Switching Device I OUT V IN R ON Ideal Diode (for now..)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Switching Losses Switching Power Pole Switching Device I OUT V IN R ON Ideal Diode (for now..)

2 A B Turn-On Characteristic V sat = R DS(on) I o Off Condition Carrier concentration established in Depletion region On Condition

3 t t d(on) t ri t fv A B V IN I OUT V SAT Switching Device Behavior with Ideal Diode: Turn “On” Switch Voltage Switch Current Diode Current

4 t t d(on) t ri t fv A B V IN I OUT PdPd  U ON Switching Loss On-State Loss V SAT I OUT t c,on

5 D C V sat = R DS(on) I o Turn-Off Characteristic Off Condition Reverse E-Field established in Depletion region On Condition

6 t t d(off) t rv t fi C D V IN I OUT V SAT Switching Device Behavior with Ideal Diode: Turn “Off” Switch Voltage Switch Current Diode Current

7 t t d(on) t rv t fi C D PdPd  U OFF Switching Loss On-State Loss t c,off V IN I OUT V SAT I OUT

8 Switching Loss Frequency Dependency: f s On-State Loss

9 Example: V IN = 50 v I OUT = 15 A f s = 100 kHz T c,on = 75 nS D = 0.4 T c,off =35 nS R DS(on ) =.03  Find switching losses

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